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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - December 11, 1976 <br />CONSIDERATION OF REMOVAL OF THE MAYOR (Cont'd): <br />Councilman Proft stated that if this matter could be resolved where the <br />Mayor represented the will of the majority of Council, the Council could <br />proceed with the important business of the Town to the benefit of the people <br />of the Town it served. <br />Mayor Cheney stated he would hear comments from the Assembly at this time, <br />requesting that they limit their presentations to two minutes or less; to <br />direct questions to Council Members only through the Chair; and to refrain <br />from alluding to Council's motives or making derrogatory remarks. <br />SDeakinq from the Floor: <br />Mr. Peter Davis, Orchard Hill Ln.: Believed move of Council was divisive <br />and a cover for trying to fire the Mayor. <br />Mr. Jitze Couperous, Page Mill road: Agreed with previous speaker, stating <br />that the proposed Resolution was a smokescreen. Urged Council to stand up and <br />be counted on the real issue. <br />Mr. Al Laws, Hooper Lane: Noted uproarious sessions of Councils in other <br />communities, and thought Council should look to themselves to see what they <br />were doing wrong. <br />Dr. John Redpath, St. Francis Dr.: Stated thatalternatives should be looked <br />at if this Resolution was successful regarding actions by Councilmen at <br />4 previous meetings, and for this reason urged denial of the Resolution. <br />Mrs. J. Carico, O'Keefe Lane: Stated that she respected each member of Council, <br />and that she felt that other business had overshadowed more serious business <br />of Town. Felt that, especially at this season of the year Council could get <br />along with each other, but agreed with the Resolution in that she thought there <br />was a reason for its proposal. <br />Mr. George Seidman, Diane Dr.: Opposed to Resolution and deplored the time <br />of the meeting. Stated that by having a meeting at this time, it appeared to <br />be an attempt not to let the people know what was going on. <br />Mrs. Irma Goldsmith, Elena Road: Opposed to Resolution. Stated she would like <br />to see Council shake hands with good will, especially at this season. <br />Mrs. Alma Wood, Stonebrook Dr.: Did not feel Resolution would resolve matter, <br />and urged Council to act as mature individuals. Requested that Notice of <br />Special Meeting be read. Urged that no further Council meetings be held this <br />month in the hope that during that time, Council would be able to resolve their <br />differences. (Mayor Cheney read the Notice at Mrs. Wood's request.) <br />Mr. Oscar Sobel, Christopher's Lane: Felt that all of Council was guilty and <br />urged Council to get along because they were the "shepherds" of the Town, elected <br />by the people. <br />Mr. Walter Benson, Magdalena Ave.: Urged that Council take no action which would <br />embarrass the Town, or themselves. <br />`60 <br />-3- <br />