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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 15, 1975 <br />SPECIAL ORDERS (cont_'d): <br />the true costs and true benefits of both approaches. He thought there was <br />a history of deteriorating communications between Counci and the Planning <br />Commission and between Council and the Planning Consultant and that no <br />effort had been forthcoming at the Council level to improve these communi- <br />cations. Councilman McReynolds felt no sincere attempt had been made to <br />iron out the differences with the City Planner. He said the Town as a <br />whole would not benefit by a short sighted and not well thought out <br />decision. <br />Council agreed with Councilman McReynolds that an in-depth cost analysis <br />should be presented to them prior to April 15th presenting the advantages <br />and disadvantages of a Staff Planner versus a Planning Consultant. <br />The question was then called, and the motion made by Councilwoman Hiller, <br />above, was carried by the following roll tali vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, Councilwoman Hiller, Mayor <br />Grabowski. <br />NO: Councilman McReynolds <br />ABSENT: NONE <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />2. Adoption of Resolution supporting ACA 22 (Murphy) limiting tax <br />assessments to real value: <br />Mayor Grabowski commented that a proposed Resolution supporting Assembly <br />Constitutional Amendment 22 which would limit tax assessments made by the <br />Assessor to the real value plus any substantial improvements. He said he <br />had addressed a Memo to the Mayors of 8.11 cities in Santa Clara County <br />urging their support of ACA 22. Mayor Grabowski commented on why he felt <br />such an amendment was needed, and pointed out that families of limited <br />income, or where the income did not keep up with the rate of inflation <br />stood in danger of loosing their home because of the present assessments <br />method, vWch was becoming confiscatory. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Hr. Joe Donahue, Santa Clara Count Taxpayer's Association: Told Council <br />t at the Association ha ong been fighting for more control over assess- <br />ments, and that the Association would approve and endorse ACA 22 at their <br />next Board meeting. <br />Discussion ensued between Council members and Fir. Donahue regarding <br />support for such a tax reform, how such a bill would affect real estate <br />developers, and how they would regard such a proposal. The City Attorney <br />gave a brief summary of another bill, AB337 (Boatwright), relating to <br />property tax rate limitations. <br />20 <br />