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City Council Minutes
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7/27/2015 9:51:29 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 15, 1975 <br />STAFF REPORTS (cont'd): <br />Mr. Crowe stated that Council had before them the proposed position <br />description and recommended salary range for a Staff Planner as they had <br />requested at their last meeting. He said that Council had the choice of <br />either proceeding with the adoption of the said position description and <br />begin recruiting for a Staff Planner, or looking for another Planning <br />Consultant firm. He noted that Council had requested a complete analysis <br />to be completed before April 15; however, since that time, the Town had <br />received a letter of resignation from the firm of William Spangle G Assoc. <br />effective February 28th. He thought Council would need to determine where <br />the Town's best interest lay and proceed accordingly. <br />Mr. Crowe listed some of the advantages and disadvantages of either choice, <br />and commented that the Planning Commission would be finishing their hearings <br />on the proposed changes to the subdivision Ordinances and would be presenting <br />their recommendations to Council shortly. This meant that many sub- <br />division applications now held in abeyance would be reactivated, along with <br />many new applications which would be coming in to the Town would rerjurinq <br />Staff or Consultant handling. <br />When questioned by Councilman Cheney as to whether there would be any legal <br />problems if the Town did not have a Planner, City Attorney Frank Gillio <br />responded that there was no legal requirement to have a Planner, and that <br />without one, Council had the option to act instead. <br />Councilman McReynolds said he felt this was a good opportunity for the Town <br />to evaluate the situation and urged Council to proceed thoughtfully and <br />slowly in its determination. He also urged Council to seek the recommendation <br />of the Planning Commission as to what that body felt the Town would need <br />both now, and in the future in the way of Planning Services. <br />Councilman Helgesson supported the ideas and recommendations put forth by <br />Councilman McReynolds. He questioned the need for a full-time Planner, and <br />thought Planning Commission input along this line would be valuable for <br />Council evaluation. Councilman Helgesson said that the work that is being <br />done could also be done by Staff, and said that an Engineer -Planner to <br />assist the City Engineer would be a good idea. <br />Sneaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Ron Ottsman Cit of Fremont: Presented Council with further pros and <br />cons o a Staff Panner versus Planning Consultant. <br />Councilwoman Miller agreed that Council must look at all alternatives very <br />thoughtfully, but also supported Councilman McReynolds'suggestion that the <br />Planning Commission present their recommendation to Council for consideration. <br />Discussion ensued between Council and City Manager regarding the various <br />alternatives the Town had, including the possible re -distribution of the <br />�r Planning workload as far as site development, building site approvals, <br />-3- <br />
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