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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 29, 1975 <br />`' STAFF REPORTS (cont'd): <br />variances, etc. were concerned, and using a Consultant only for Special <br />Studies. Council directed City Manager to present Council with the <br />in-depth cost analysis requested at the last meeting, along with the <br />advantages and disadvantages of the alternative choices suggested this <br />evening. The complete study is to be presented to Council, along with <br />the Planning Commission input for the City Council meeting of February 19th. <br />b) Proposed Street Program 1974-75: <br />Mr. Crowe presented Council with his recommendations for certain street <br />improvements within the Town for FY 1974-75. fie noted that the Public <br />Works Committee had endorsed the Program at their meeting of January 16th. <br />Mr. Crowe presented views of the proposed areas and said the estimated <br />cost for the nine projects presented, covering nearly two lineal miles <br />of street would be $76,125.00. He estimated that $17,500 would be <br />spent on drainage improvements from that figure; $11,700 for road re- <br />construction, and $46,925.00 for asphalt overlays. <br />The project, he noted, would be funded within the existing 1974-75 <br />budget by re -allocating $112,000 appropriated for road reconstruction, <br />` with $17,500 to be charged to the Drainage In -Lieu Fund; $20,000 to the <br />4br Road In -Lieu Fund, and $38,625 to Gas Tax. <br />Mr. Crowe commented that if the Program is approved, the plans and <br />specifications would be prepared by the City Engineer and himself, with <br />the bid award in the latter part of March. Following are the areas <br />of proposed improvements: <br />1. Elena Roar. (Robleda to 1950' North) <br />2. Robleda Road (Fremont to Chapin) <br />3. Robleda Road (Wildcrest to 600' Westerly) <br />4. Natoma Road (Horseshoe bend to Lucero Lane) <br />5. Natoma Road (between Lucero Lane and Altamont) <br />6. Miranda Ave. (Fremont to Carado Court) <br />7. Magdalena (Albertsworth to Camino Hermoso) <br />3. Camino Hermoso (Magdalena to Ravensbury) <br />9. La Cresta at Viscaino. <br />Council discussed various aspects of the proposed Program with Mr. <br />Crowe. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Councilman <br />McReynolds and unanimously carried to approve the Street Program F, 74-75 and <br />directed the City Manager to proceed with the preparation of plans and speci- <br />fications for the Program. <br />-4- <br />