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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 29, 1975 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Aooroval of Emergency Medical Service .System Plan (cont'd from 12/18/74 <br />Mr. Crowe informed Council that this item was on the Agenda this evening <br />for action by Council after they had a verbal report from Mr. Donald Miller <br />at the last meeting concerning the Plan. He said that the implementation of <br />of the Plan would be via a federal grant to be obtained by the County which <br />would cover equipment, training and manpower. He commented that the Plan <br />was not perfect; however, it was quite workable and flexible enough to be <br />modified to meet changing needs. <br />NOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Mayor Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilman <br />McReynolds and unanimously carried to approve the Santa Clara County Emergency <br />Medical Service System Plan as presented. <br />2. County Arterial Bikeway Plan: <br />Mayor Grabowski moved, seconded by Councilman Helgesson and unanimously <br />carried to approve and authorize the execution of a Bikeway Agreement between <br />the Town and Santa Clara County. <br />Mr. Crowe noted that since Council approved the Agreement, a Resolution was <br />in order prohibiting pedestrian and other uses of that portion of the <br />` Foothill Expressway within the limits of the Town. <br />4✓ Discussion ensued regarding exigencies, and the City Attorney responded to <br />questions raised by Council. ' Mayor Grabowski suggested the substitution of <br />several wordsto clarify the proposed Resolution before Council, which were <br />accepted and incorporated into the Resolution. <br />Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Mayor Grabowski and unanimously <br />carried to adopt Resolution #863 prohibiting pedestrian and other uses of <br />the Foothill Expressway. <br />3. Lands of Stedman/Bahl (File #393-72): <br />a) Consideration of request for exemption of certain check list <br />Condit ons approved by the Planning Lomm ssion: <br />Mr. Don Bahl, owner and developer of the subdivision in question, appeared <br />before Council requesting certain conditional exemptions from the approved <br />check list recommended by the Planning Commission. The requests, and the <br />actions taken by Council are as followed, numbered according to their <br />order in the approved check list: <br />1. "Country Way shall be improved to Town standards to the satisfaction of <br />the Town Engineer. After improvement, Country Way shall be offered for <br />Dedication to the Town." Mr. Bahl requested that Country Way become <br />a private road, and stated that a Corporation would be formed to in- <br />sure sufficient funds for the upkeep and maintenance of the road if <br />Council granted this exemption. <br />to <br />