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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 29, 1975 <br />c SPECIAL ORDERS (cont 11, <br />�r AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, McReynolds <br />NO: Councilwoman Fuller, Mayor Grabowski <br />40 <br />8. "A public pathway easement..." Because Council had denied conditional <br />exception #1, Mr. Bahl withdrew this item for consideration. <br />Discussion continued concerning other pathway requirements. Because of <br />the lateness of the hour, the applicant agreed with Council's request to <br />continue further discussions and review of the tentative map until the <br />next meeting. <br />Because of the lateness of the hour, all remaining items on the evening's <br />agenda were continued to the next meeting. <br />H. ADJOURNMENT: <br />The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. to the next regular meeting on <br />Wednesday, February 5th. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION: <br />1. Approval of Minutes - January 29, 1975 (Regular Meeting): <br />Mrs. Shick noted on page 4, b) -Proposed Street Program 1974-75 that the <br />Minutes should be corrected to indicate that the Street Program was the <br />one drawn up by the Public Works Committee and not the City Manager. <br />LC .21,jrl,s <br />ik r -8- <br />