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City Council Minutes
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4/20/2016 12:25:34 PM
Creation date
7/27/2015 9:53:16 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - February 5, 1975 <br />LANDS OF STEDMAN/BAHL (cont'd): <br />Discussion ensued between Staff, Mr. Grover Cox, President of the Water <br />District, the City Attorney and Council regarding this matter. <br />Mrs. John Hettin er Priscilla Lane: Regarding easements for trails the <br />Los Altos Horsemen sXs, <br />oc at on would like to see approved by the Town <br />relative to this subdivision. <br />Mr. Peter Wallace Via ventana: Regarding certain check list items, the <br />geo ogic ault ocated on this land, placement of the water tank, and the <br />length of the cul-de-sac. <br />Mr. Wallace Stegner, Three Forks Lane: Expressed concern over the cutting <br />of any trails, where serious aamage might be done to his, and his neighbors' <br />property. <br />Mrs. Patricia Standrin Secretor for Pathwa Committee: Requested natural <br />pat a ong conservat on easement an a connecting trail between lots 1 and 2 <br />of the proposed subdivision to the School District's lands. <br />Mr. George White, South Fork Lane: Expressed concern over deep cuts in <br />side of hill for a fire road. <br />Mr. Robert Stutz, Chairman, Pathway Committees Regarding Committee's requests <br />L for path and trail easements. <br />�r Mr. Jitze lou erous Pa a Mill Road: Reiterated problems with this proposed <br />sub <br />ivision an eq <br />rueste that Council not approve it. <br />At the request of Council, City Attorney Frank Gillio advised them of the <br />issue being considered this evening and the State Map Act stipulations. <br />Councilwoman Miller addressed the proposed design of the subdivision as <br />presented and the length of Country 41ay. She moved that the tentative map <br />be denied because the site was not suitable to the design of the subdivision. <br />Mayor Grabowski seconded the motion. <br />Councilman Helgesson commented on the length of the cul-de-sac, citing other <br />properties within the Town where the length of the cul-de-sac had received <br />a conditional exemption from the requirements of the Municipal Code. He <br />thought that from all evidence before the Planning Commission and the City <br />Council, the subdivider had made every effort to place the home sites in the <br />best possible locations. He said the smallest lot in the subdivision was <br />1.01 acres. Councilman Helgesson spoke regarding the slopes of some of the <br />lots, the fire path easement, and stated that he did not agree with the <br />recommendation for a path between lots 5 and 6 because of the steepness of <br />the slope. <br />In response to the Mayor's inquiry as to when the applicant could renew <br />his application if the motion to deny carried, City Attorney Frank Gillio <br />-4- <br />
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