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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - February 19, 1975 <br />`_ STAFF REPORTS (cont'd): <br />regarding grant funds, requirements of the Field Act pertaining to the <br />use of the Griffin Home, approaching the Board of the College to <br />determine whether the Town might, in fact, rent the Home to be used as <br />a permanent display of historical artifacts, and grants available for <br />the preservation of historical sites. <br />Staff was directed to contact the College Board and to report further <br />on the requirements of the Field Act, and also to investigate the <br />grant funds available. Council consensus was to defer decision on <br />the matter of an election until these reports were in, and ordered the <br />matter scheduled for the Agenda of March 19, 1975. <br />c) Agreement with County for participation in County -wide Census <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Cheney and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution #868 approving and authorizing <br />execution of Agreement between Town and Santa Clara County for participation in <br />County -wide census. <br />d) Meeting with Purissima County Nater District Board: <br />Mr. Crowe asked Council's suggestion for a date to schedule a further <br />40 meeting with the Nater District Board. <br />Mayor Grabowski requested that the City Manager check with Councilman <br />McReynolds to ascertain his business schedule, and to poll Council <br />members at that time for a mutually convenient date. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Ordinances for Adoption: <br />a) Urgency Ordinance amending Subdivision Ordinance of Los Altos Hil <br />Mr. Crowe reported that this matter was being presented as an Urgency <br />Ordinance because of recent changes made to the State Map Act. He said <br />in order for the subdivision regulations of the Town to continue valid and <br />effective, it was necessary to adopt this Ordinance to make the necessary <br />changes to conform with the revised State law and make the changes effective <br />on March 1, 1975. <br />City Attorney Frank Gillio noted that the changes to the Ordinance were <br />merely procedural changes and did not amend any policy matters presently <br />included in the subdivision Ordinance. He outlined the proposed changes <br />for Council. <br />Mr. Crowe introduced the Ordinance by title, "An Ordinance of the Town of <br />Los Altos Hills amending Chapter 4 entitled "Subdivisions" of Title 9 <br />entitled "Planning and Zoning." <br />-7- <br />