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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 5, 1975 <br />`, SPECIAL ORDERS (cont'd <br />3. Request for Building Site Approval: <br />a) Lands of Guy, File #BSA6031-74 (cont'd. from 2/19/75): <br />Mr. Crowe explained the reasons for the Pathway Committee request for a <br />pathway easment on this property. Discussion ensued between Council and <br />Staff regarding how the pathway would inter -connect, and whether the owner <br />was agreeable to the easement. Mr. Crowe pointed out the requested path <br />on the viewer, and stated that the owner had no objection to the easement. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Helgesson and unanimously carried to approve the BSA, Lands of Guy, File #BSA - <br />6031 -74 subject to conditions imposed, and with the pathway easement requested <br />by the Pathway Committee. <br />4. Requests fcr Exemption from Subdivision Moratorium: <br />a) Consideration of Plannin Commission recommendation for exemption <br />Tor Lands of Monte Lucero 4, File #TM390- <br />Mayor Grabowski noted that this matter had been held over from the last <br />meeting because of the tie vote of Council in considering this matter. <br />City Manager Robert Crowe presented the background information on this <br />42r property, and stated that the revised map received by Council showed five <br />(5) possible lots, with one designated as a future building site, but not <br />but not intended as one at this time; this future site was designated as <br />"Lot 1". <br />Mr. Alan Lambert, Gerard Homes, representing the applicant, addressed Council <br />stating that Staff had recommended that this proposed subdivision be exempt <br />from the building moratorium; that the Planning Commission had endorsed this <br />recommendation because there would be minimum grading and there would be no <br />conflict with the tenets set down in the Resolution pertaining to the <br />moratorium. He explained the reasons the applicant did not want Lot 1 <br />designated a site at this time was because the owner wished to keep the <br />density of the area to a minimum. <br />Discussio:i ensued between Council, City Engineer, and Mr. Lambert regarding <br />the property, and the City Attorney was requested to clarify the issue <br />before at this time. <br />MOTION SECONDED AI;D CARRIED: Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Helgesson ?nd unanimously carried to approve the Planning Commission recommend- <br />ation for exemption from the subdivision moratorium for Lands of Monte Lucero, <br />#4, because the evidance presented did not indicate a violation of the concepts <br />outlined within the Resolution pertaining to the subdivision moratorium. <br />%V -4- <br />