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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 5, 1975 <br />ftr SPECIAL ORDERS (cont'd): <br />4. Requests for Exemption from Subdivision Moratorium CcoM:'d): <br />b) Appeal by Land Resources, Inc., File NTM2020-75 re Planning <br />Commission denial of recommendation of request for exemption <br />(cont'd. from 2/19/75): <br />Mr. Crowe presented the background information on this parcel of property <br />and Planning Commission actions. He said the Commission had voted 4-3 to <br />deny the request for exemption from the subdivision moratorium because the <br />land concerned was fairly steep and could possibly fall within the concerns <br />outlined in the subdivision moratorium Resolution. <br />City Engineer Alex Russell explained that the property in question was <br />adjacent to the Lands of Dawson and the Lands of the Palo Alto Unified <br />School District, and addressed the access road problems. <br />Commissioner Brown summarized the concerns of the Planning Commission when <br />this matter was discussed. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Jack Leudeman of Arastra Ltd., a subsidiary of Land Resources, addressed <br />Council concerning the issue before Council, and spoke of the maximum cuts <br />t which were planned for the proposed lands, which sere not excessive. <br />Nr. Dave Holmes of George Molte Associates, also addressed Council, stating <br />that tree removal, which was also a concern of the building moratorium, <br />would be minimal, and requested that Council bear in mind that the issue <br />before thein was only a request for exemption from the moratorium and not <br />a tentative map approval. <br />City Attorney Frank Gillio spoke regarding the wording in the Resolution, <br />and listed the items of concerns specified therein. <br />Counrilwomen Miller moved that the request for exemption from the sub- <br />division moratorium be denied, which was seconded by Councilman Cheney. <br />Councila3a +elgesson expressed concern over this property and its relation <br />to Arestridr;,o Creek, and thought that Staff and Council should receive <br />a recr,;,ror-.elaCion from the Santa Clara Valley Water District regarding the <br />lower ;:rr:ia, oP this property. <br />Councils: :r. Ch—ey also expressed concern over the creek, and thought there <br />were sa�icient questions raised that he would not be willing to grant a <br />waive, on i;, -.s property. <br />Councilr;,. Rc'eyir,-:is stated that the City Attorney's statement prevailed <br />regarding thin property, and felt there was no other way to go. <br />4 The question was called, and the motion to deny the request for exemption <br />for Lands of Land Resources, File NTM2020-75, because the property in <br />-5- <br />