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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 15, 1975 <br />SEISMIC SAFETY/SAFETY ELEMENT OF GENERAL PLAN (cont'd): <br />noted that the recommended changes proposed by the Planning Commission, <br />and the comments from the Fire Marshall were before Council. He then <br />reviewed the recommended changes with Council, and stated that these <br />proposed changes did not reflect changes in the policy, but were only <br />clarifications of fact. <br />fir. Vlasic also stated that the Commission had recommended approval of <br />certain changes in Appendix 5 which Council had also received. <br />Mayor Grabowski declared the Public Hearing open at 9:20 P.M. There being <br />no one who wished to speak to the subject, the public hearing was declared <br />closed at 9:21 P.M., and discussion returned to Council. <br />Discussion ensued between Council and Staff concerning possible breakage <br />of water mains, the polution possibility downstream should Adobe Creek <br />flood the area, and the evaluation of this problem by the County Health <br />Department. Council also asked for clarification of the first paragraph <br />on page 23, and after discussion it was the concensus of Council to <br />amend that paragraph as follows: <br />"In Los Altos Hills the general approach to handling drainage has been to <br />utilize natural drainage channels. Given the policy of the Town to <br />preserve the natural quality of creeks and creek borders, it becomes <br />important to not allow development to increase runoff to the point that <br />channels become overloaded and to not place the works of man in natural <br />flood plains." <br />Mayor Grabowski raised questions pertaining to the Fire Protection District <br />and how it was formed. Councilman Cheney responded that the District had <br />been foxed before the incorporation of the Town by the County. <br />Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Councilman Cheney to adopt the <br />Seismic Safety/Safety Element as presented with the amendment to page 23 <br />(above). Motion carried by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, Councilwoman Miller, Mayor Grabowski <br />140: HONE <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />ABSENT: Councilman McReynolds <br />b) Noise Element of General Plan: <br />Mr. Crowe noted that the Planning Commission had conducted public hearings <br />on this <br />recomme recommendation that it <br />Headeferred etorMr. Vlasict to for <br />with <br />for <br />the <br />further discussion. <br />Mr. Vlasic noted that this element of the General Plan had been prepared <br />in order to be consistent with State Law requirements. He also said that <br />noise contours had been prepared by the State Department of Transportation <br />and submitted to the Town. That Department was also preparing a Noise <br />-5- <br />