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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 30, 1975 <br />SPECIAL PRESENTATION (cont'd): <br />elderly and to aid our welfare program. He also proposed that discrimination <br />against single persons be discontinued, abolishment of the business inventory <br />tax 100%, deduction for medical and hospital expenses, as well as an <br />allowable deduction for the costs of higher education. Mr. Reilly proposed <br />that income and property taxes be permitted to be paid on a monthly basis, if <br />desired, to avoid citizens taking out loans to pay taxes at exorbitent <br />interest rates. <br />Following Mr. Reilly's presentation, members of the audience participated in <br />a question -answer period. Among those participating were the following: <br />Mr. Franc iaheeler, firs. Helen Ashby, Mrs. Ann Spencer, Mr. John Ewing. <br />fir. Reilly urged interested citizens to show their concern by writing letters <br />to their State Assembly and Senate representatives, as well as to their <br />Congressman n -c: Senators to demand that reforms be enacted as quickly as <br />possi'ale. <br />Mayor Grabca�ski thanked Mr. Reilly for taking the time to appear at the <br />meeting this evening to elaborate on his proposals. <br />D. STAFF R=F"".TS, CORRESPOMDENCE & ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br />Mr. Crnw= announced that the first Council meeting in Flay would be held on <br />Thursday, °Iay B, 1975. He also announced that the meeting on May 21 would <br />be ca.%o-'led. <br />!then gvcstioned about scheduling a study session on the proposed revisions <br />to the `ubdivision Ordinance, Mr. Crowe responded that he would present <br />Council with several alternate dates for Council consideration at the meeting <br />of May 8th. <br />E. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Presentations from the Floor: <br />a) Mrs. Florence Fava, Town Historian: Requested that the Mayor pro- <br />claim the week of Play 12-18, 1975 as National Historical Preservation <br />Week. <br />Mayor and Council agreed, and Staff was requested to draw up said <br />proclamation for signature. <br />b) Mrs. Ann Spencer, Bicentennial Committee: Reported that the Bi - <br />Centennial Commission would be contacting local artists to participate <br />in the celebration by sketching local historical points of interest. <br />Chosen sketches would then be reproduced on note paper to be sold to <br />raise funds for the Commission. <br />tar In response to questions by Council, Mrs. Spencer said that any <br />interested citizen would also be welcome to submit sketches; that this <br />was not restricted to artists only. <br />-2- <br />