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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - April 30, 1975 <br />SPECIAL ORDERS (cont'd): <br />2. Mood Hei hts Subdivision, Tract #5597: Request for release of lien <br />No <br />subd vision improvements. <br />Mr. Crowe said a letter of request had been received from the applicant for <br />the return of a portion of the Time Certificates of Deposit which had been <br />submitted to the Town as guarantee that certain improvements would be made <br />within the Moody Heights subdivision. <br />City Engineer Alex Russell commented that his memo to Council concerning <br />improvements made to date was self-explanatory, and based on these improve- <br />ments recommended that Council direct the release of one Certificate of <br />Deposit, the remaining sum to be maintained by the Town until such time as all <br />improvements were completed. <br />After discussion between Staff, Council, and Mr. Hurl Fritschle, applicant, <br />Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Councilman Cheney to approve the <br />release one Time Certificate of Deposit to the applicant in the amount of <br />$10,000. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney <br />Grabowski <br />NO: NONE <br />ABSENT: NONE <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />Helgesson, McReynolds, Councilwoman Miller, Mayor <br />G. GENERAL ORDERS & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />1. Consideration of SB 636 re: Uniform Business License Tax Law: <br />Mr. Crowe explained the essence of S8636, which would, if passed, result in <br />the loss of local revenue for all cities within the State of California. He <br />noted that the League of California Cities was urging all communities to <br />oppose passage of this bill because of the precedent it would establish. <br />After discussion, Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Councilman Helgesson <br />and unanimously carried to direct the City Manager to direct a letter to the <br />Legislature opposing passage of SB636. <br />2. Planning Commission Appointment: Fill unexpired term of Mr. Donald <br />Spencer to 6/30/16: <br />Councilwoman Miller indicated that she preferred a voice vote on this item <br />as opposed to ballot, and Mayor Grabowski stated that this was allowable, if <br />she wished. <br />After the third ballot by Council, and a voice vote from Councilwoman Miller, <br />Mrs. Lucy Hillestad, Normandy Lane, was declared by City Clerk Robert Crowe <br />`. to have received the majority vote. <br />H. ADJOURNMENT: <br />Council adjourned at 11:00 P.M. to the next regular meeting on May 8th. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />-a- nenuty City Clerk <br />