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�W CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May G, 1975 <br />SPECIAL REPORTS (con d): <br />assessments, and his meetings with Assemblymen Calvo and Hayden and Senator <br />Smith. <br />Discussion ensued between Council as to whether to support a bill introduced <br />by Senator Petris which would eliminate the tax exemption for cigarettes <br />presently enjoyed by the Armed Forces. The monies derived from this source <br />would be used exclusively for the construction of bicycle paths and lanes. <br />Councilmen Cheney and Helgesson said they would be agreeable to supporting <br />such a bill, and Councilman McReynolds and Councilwoman Miller spoke in <br />opposition of such support. <br />1. Presentations from the Floor: <br />a) Mrs. Goldsmith, Elena Road: Complimented the Mayor for his present- <br />ation on his trip, and of the pending legislation which could affect the <br />Town. <br />D. STAFF REPORTS: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Tape storage: <br />City Manager Robert Crowe noted the memo from the City Attorney concerning <br />tapes of meetings, and requested Council to set a time limit for the <br />storage of tapes of Council and Commission meetings because of the limited <br />storage space at Town Hall. After discussion it was the 1ecisi(17' of <br />Council that City Council and Planning Commission tapes should be held for <br />five years and then re -used. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mrs. Lucille Gould, Ortega Road: Asked if the Historical Society could <br />have some of the tapes that were not going to be kept for historical <br />purposes. Council felt that this would involve much effort in listening <br />to tapes, deciding what was significant, etc., and since the Minutes <br />reflected the official actions of the Council, this was sufficient record <br />and all that was legally necessary. <br />b) Council consensus was that the City Manager should poll Council <br />members individually for a date for a Study Session on the proposed <br />subdivision Ordinances. <br />c) Hillard Griffin Home - Cost estimate on bringing building up to <br />Code standards. <br />Mr. Crowe summarized the report he had received from Rutherford & <br />Chekene, Consulting Engineers, regarding the costs of renovation of the <br />Hillard Griffin Home located on the Foothill College campus. The <br />estimated cost, he noted, was $70,000 for structural work only, and did <br />not include electrical work, plumbing, heating, fire sprinklers or <br />-G- <br />