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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - June 18, 1975 <br />`' Mayor Grabowski stated that since there was dissent, the June 4, 1975 Minutes <br />would be held until the tape was researched. He determined that the entire <br />set of minutes should be held in abeyance until such time, and then brought <br />before the Council for approval. <br />Mrs. Theodora Schick 26400 Reston Road: asked if, with the passing of <br />Item on the a. a, wou t e ubdiv sM Moratorium be extended another <br />four months. <br />Mr. Gillio responded that this resolution merely sets the time and place <br />for a public hearing, as required in the Code. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Council- <br />woman Miller, that Resolution No. 885 setting time and place for a Public - <br />Hearing to consider further extension of Resolution 790, the Subdivision <br />Moratorium, be passed. Potion carried unanimously. <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />There were no Reports of Standing Committees, Reports of Ad Hoc Committees, <br />nor were there any Presentations from the Floor. <br />D. STAFF REPORTS: <br />t A. The City Manager, Mr. Robert Crowe, addressed the Council regarding <br />tar his memo to them of June 13 regarding a Proposed State Revenue Sharing Plan. <br />This memo proposed a letter which was in response to a request from the <br />League of California Cities on an Action Plan adopted at the 1973 Annual <br />Conference concerning State Revenue Sharing with Cities. He pointed out that <br />the purpose of the plan was to relieve assessment on land evaluation, pointing <br />out that assessments on property are a regressive form of taxation, and tax- <br />payers cannot afford to have this tax increased. It does not relate to an <br />individual's ability to pay, whereas an income tax does relate to a person's <br />ability to pay. This proposed letter would support League action and assess <br />the interest in proposing Legislation on the matter. <br />POTION PASSED BY GENERAL CONSENT: Mayor Grabowski stated that if there were <br />no objections, the City Manager should address the proposed letter to <br />support the Revenue Sharing Plan proposed. <br />B. Resignation of a Planning Commissioner <br />Mr. Crowe addressed the Council concerning the resignation from the <br />Planning Commission of Commissioner Kenneth E. Phillips. Applications are <br />available for interested individuals at Town Hall, and there are some applicants <br />on file from previous interviews. <br />Mayor Grabowski suggested that the matter of appointing a new Planning <br />Commissioner be placed on the agenda for the meeting of July 2. <br />MOTION CARRIED BY GENERAL CONSENT. <br />-2- <br />