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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COU11CIL MEETING - June 18, 1975 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS (continued) <br />2. Tentative Subdivision, Lands of Newnan, Monte Lucero 114, Natoma Road, <br />Sandis k Associates, Engineers, Alan Lambert, Developer, TM 2026-75, <br />Recommended approval of subdivision. <br />Mr. Crowe informed the Council that the tentative map was for a 20.83 <br />acre parcel along Natoma Road, a proposed subdivision to create four lots <br />on the parcel, the largest being in excess of nine acres. Planning Commission <br />had recommended approval to the Council. <br />Mr. Pastrof referred Council to his memos of June 6 and June 13 and <br />answered questions concarr,ip; ".he proposed sut)civisian r:ap. He recommended <br />that Section I of the pathway request be accepted as proposed, but citing <br />the fact that the path easement, if it could be purchased, could be an <br />expensive item. On Section II of the pathway request, his recommendation was <br />that this request be denied. Reasons cited for his recommendations on the <br />pathway requests were the problems pathways would encounter due to steep <br />terrain, expansive soils, lack of visibility on the pathways due to vegetation, <br />the expense of obtaining easements, and the excessive amount of traffic that <br />would occur on several sides of one or two parcels in particular. <br />Mr.Alan Lambert, 141 First Street, Los Altos: raised the question of paths <br />and the liability o the orieowner for isasters that occur within the path <br />easement on his property. <br />Mr. Conrad Mizer, Pathway Committee: explained that this pathway request <br />was an important one sinewas a Tin -k that connected all other paths in the <br />Town. <br />Because so much discussion was generated, Councilman Helgesson made a <br />MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES ON E 3. AND TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION OF ITEM E 2. <br />Councilman Cheney seconded the nation. All responded in favor of the Motion. <br />Firs. Betsy Fiksdal, Pathway Committee: and Member of the Stevens Creek <br />Trails Committee noted that this was an important aspect of a trail from Inter - <br />State 280 to the Bay that other communities, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Los <br />Altos and Sunnyvale had precluded having for themselves. These communities, <br />in granting Subdivision rights that ran all the way to Stevens Creek, had lost <br />forever the opportunity to connect up to a regional trail system that could <br />have run from Fremont Avenue to Stevens Creek Dam. Los Altos Hills would <br />never again have the opportunity to approve so important a link in the trail <br />system. She supports the whole trail, running completely around the perimeter <br />of the property as proposed by Mr. Mizer. <br />Mr. Pete McSweeney, Los Altos Hills Horsemen's Association: also saw the <br />two sections of the pathway request as an important link in the pathway system. <br />He further proposed a pathway and trail between the 470 and 550 foot contour <br />lines on Section I of the pathway. <br />` Mr. John Lambert, when asked about a trail along the contour lines suggested, <br />said he could not respond without further checking of the property. <br />-4- <br />
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