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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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rim <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 13, 1975 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS (continued) <br />4. Adoption of the Budget (Continued) <br />Mayor Grabowski asked for comments from the Assembly and set July 2 for <br />the adoption of the Proposed Preliminary Budget. <br />Mrs. Theodora Schick, 26400 Heston Road: addressed the Council with the <br />following remarks, requesting their verbatim inclusion in the Minutes: <br />"I want to preface my remarks with this comment. I have found the entire <br />staff to be very nice, and my comments in no way reflect dissatisfaction with <br />them. My statements are presented from a resident's point of view. I have <br />followed and studied the budget over many years. I have expressed before <br />Council untold times my strong conviction that this is a small unique town, <br />and we should strive to keep it that way. I•fe have no industry, apdr nnents, or <br />in-house services such as police or fire departments - just single family <br />homes. When the proposed budget for running this Town again indicates an <br />unwarranted upward swing, I must speak out. <br />"Ile are a town of approximately 2,100 homes. The estimated General Fund <br />revenue for 1975-76 is $436,000; and approximately fifty percent of the <br />$436,000 is slated for personnel. This averages out to about $100 per house- <br />hold. The General Fund revenue derived from our property taxes, even with <br />our increased assessments, is $136,000; and this amount is not anywhere near <br />the $200,000 plus budgeted to run our government. I ask Council to re-examine <br />the budget dealing with these items. Many public agencies are being faced with <br />the problem of excessive management overhead in relationship to their revenues. <br />Our schools are a good example. I believe that Council is cognizant that un- <br />less a halt is made now, our town government expenses will continue to grow <br />even further out of proportion. I ask that Council act accordingly for a <br />small town government with minimum governmental expenditures." <br />Mrs. Schick made several suggestions about ways to increase revenues, <br />one being a tax on the real estate sold within the Town. fir. Cheney directed <br />the City Manager to explore this further to see what could be done on the <br />matter. <br />Mayor Grabowski stated that if there were no further comments, this con- <br />cluded the discussion on Item 4. <br />G. NEW BUSINESS: <br />Mayor Grabowski reminded each Council member not to forget to attend the <br />Bicentennial Kickoff on Saturda. , June 21. The Bicentennial Committee harl <br />worked i igently, an Mr. He gesson and firs. Fava were to be commended for <br />their efforts. <br />fir. Crowe requested that Council set the date of a public hearing on <br />`, July 2 for discussion of Adobe Creek Lodge Conditional Use Permit, Application <br />3004-74; because according o o e requiremen s, action is nor EaKen <br />within eleven days, the action becomes final without the consent of Council. <br />-G- <br />
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