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06/18/1975 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
06/18/1975 (2)
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - June 18, 1975 <br />Since it was too early to go on to Item E. Special Orders, the Council <br />decided to suspend the order of the Agenda and take up Item F. <br />F. GENERAL ORDERS AND UHWUSHED BUSINESS: <br />1. Plans and specifications for Taaffe-Elena Intersection (City Engineer) <br />Mr. Alex Russell, City Engineer, stated that at this time he did not have <br />ready plans and specifications for the defective intersection at Taaffe and <br />Elena. Mrs. Miller expressed the urgent wish to get this matter under way, <br />since it had been before the Council any number of times and a matter under <br />consideration by the Town for some eight years. There was discussion concerning <br />farming the work out to another firm, a suggestion which fir. Cheney said he did <br />not even wish to contemplate. It was agreed between Mayor Grabowski and Staff <br />that Pir. Russell would bring the matter before Council again by the second <br />meeting in July, and if at that time he could not be ready with plans and <br />specifications, other methods such as farming the work out would be looked into. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Lands of Fortis, BSA 6036-75 - Appeal from Pathway Easement (Letter <br />dated May 16, 1975). <br />Mr. Crowe, the City Manager, stated that the Council had approved on an <br />oral recommendation made by the Pathway Committee, that a pathway be placed <br />inside the property line of Mr. Fortis. The pathway would go some thirty <br />feet into Mr. Fortis' property through a heavy vegetative and drainage area <br />and would be of considerable expense to Mr. Fortis, therefore, this appeal. <br />Mr. Nick Fortis, 705 University Avenue, Los Altos: spoke from the assembly <br />stating that he was for pathways, but this diversion of an already established <br />path would make the current path discontiguous with the existing pathway, <br />is an unreasonable request, prohibitively expensive, and one that he seriously <br />challenges. <br />P9r. Conrad Mizer, Pathwa C mittee P9ember: stated that there is a good <br />pathway a the way up La a oma until t its this property line, and at this <br />property line a serious drainage problem exists, making the path impassable <br />at certain times of the year. <br />Mrs. Miller stated that after considering the recommendations made, qoing <br />into the property forty feet does not make sense. She regrets voting for this. <br />MOTION MOVED AND CARRIED: Mrs. Miller moved that Mr. Fortis be granted <br />his appeal from a pathway easement. Mr. Helgesson seconded the motion. All <br />were in favor except Mr. Cheney who voted against the appeal for a pathway <br />easement. <br />-3- <br />
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