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06/18/1975 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
06/18/1975 (2)
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - June 18, 1975 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS (continued) <br />Mr. John Ewinq> Lupine Road: requested clarification at this point. Did <br />this mean if this request was approved, one whole section of the trail would <br />be lost? <br />Mr. Pastrof addressed the remarks made by reminding the Council that there <br />-as no link between the two proposed sections. Mrs. Carico noted that she <br />regretted this coming about at this time, that in her work on the Pathway <br />Committee, the Committee did obtain easements leading out of Almaden Court <br />through Lucero, but not all the easements connect. It was the intent, however, <br />that someday they would all connect. <br />Both Mr. Ilelgesson and Mr. Cheney noted that there was too much conflicting <br />information being presented and that several different and conflicting maps <br />were being referred to. Mrs. Miller noted that she realized this was an im- <br />portant part of the pathway system, that Mr. Stutz of the Pathway Committee <br />is asking the applicant to change his plan almost overnight; and she felt <br />that since the application has been kicking around for two years more time <br />should be taken and the matter come before the Council in two weeks with a <br />more objective presentation on the part of the Staff recommendations. <br />NOTION MOVED APRT CARRIED: Mrs. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Cheney to defer <br />this matter to staff for further investigation and planning to resubmit to the <br />Council a new program. Mayor Grabowski charged the staff and Pathway and <br />Developer to formulate a new map, saying he would like a member of the Horse- <br />men's Association to be present in the discussions. Motion was passed by <br />a general consent. <br />3. Plans and Specifications, East Branch, Barron Creek Storm Drain <br />Improvement. <br />Mr. Paul Mowack had been instructed by Council to prepare plans for <br />a storm drain deficiency that exists from Fremont Pines Lane to the East <br />Branch of Barron Creek. The design engineer was not present to present <br />his plan. Mr. Russell, City Engineer, was available for questions. <br />Mayor Grabowski stated that if there were no objections, the Council <br />would defer this item until the meeting of July 2. <br />4. Adootion of the 1975-76 Budget. <br />Fir. Crowe stated that the Council has before it the Proposed Preliminary <br />Budget for 1975-76. The Council has had several study sessions and has pared <br />items that it felt should be reduced. A brief overview showed that the <br />proposed operating budget was $463,680 prior to the cuts, as compared to the <br />previous year's budget of $472,000 plus. Revenues for the forthcoming year <br />due to increased assessments showed a $30,000 increase due from property <br />taxes, but scme areas of revenue showed a decrease. For instance, building <br />fees decreased due to the moratorium. Proposed budget includes approximately <br />$16,000 in capital expenditures and new equipment plus $12,000 for landscaping <br />and Town entrance improvements. A comparison with last year's budqet shows <br />that even with an inflation factor, the current budget is well under what <br />could have been proposed at this time. <br />-5- <br />
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