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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 9, 1975 <br />STAFF REPORTS (Cont'd): <br />City Manager Robert Crowe noted that Council had before then the plans <br />and specifications for improvements to East Barron Creek which had been <br />prepared by Mr. Paul Nowack, who had been retained by Council last year <br />as part of the Storm Drain Improvement Project of the Town. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Paul Nowack, Engineer: Addressed Council noting tho flooding which <br />had occurred within the Town in the vicinity of Snell Lane and Fremont <br />Pines Lane in the section known as the East Branch of Barron Creek, and <br />informed Council of the plans to improve the drainage in this area. He <br />said that talks had been held with the City of Palo Alto, who also planned <br />to improve the section of the creek within their city boundary. He also <br />stated that every precaution would be taken to safeguard trees and the <br />private property in the area of improvement. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Helgesson stated that Mr. Nowack, City Engineer Alex Russell, <br />neighbors and he had walked the area slated for improvement, and that <br />everyone had agreed ultimately that this was the way to go, and as long <br />as the Town had the cooperation of the City of Palo Alto, this would be <br />the time to get things done. <br />Councilwoman Miller expressed her delight that things would now be <br />getting underway in view of the numerous delays in the past. She moved <br />that Council adopt Resolution #890 ordering the performance of certain <br />work. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney, and passed by the <br />following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, Councilwoman !tiller, Mayor Grabowski <br />NO: None <br />ABSENT: Councilman McReynolds <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />D. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Ordinances for Adoption: <br />a) Ordinance #224 adopting by reference certain Uniform Building, <br />Plumbiny and Electrical Codes, including Appendix thereto (Second <br />Reading). <br />City Manager Robert Crone noted that the Ordinance before Council tonight <br />had been introduced at a previous meeting. Fie stated the purpose of the <br />Ordinance, which was to update the Municipal Code by adopting the more <br />recent Uniform Building, Plumbing and Electrical Codes, thereby making <br />the Code consistent under the law. <br />`. Mayor Grabowski declared the public hearing on the proposed Ordinance <br />open at 8:28 P.M. There being no comments or objections from the floor, <br />the Mayor closed the Public Hearing portion, and returned discussion to <br />Council at 8:29 P.M. <br />-4- <br />