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`, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 9, 1975 <br />STAFF REPORTS (Cont'd): <br />by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, Councilwoman Miller, Mayor Grabowski <br />NO: None <br />ABSENT: Councilman McReynolds <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />SPECIAL ORDERS (Continued): <br />2. Conditional Use Permit, Adobe Creek Lodge, D. Bellucci, Owner, File # <br />CU8004-74 (Continued from July 2, 1975): <br />Mayor Grabowski restated, for those members of the public who were not present <br />at the beginning of the Meeting, that the applicant for this Use Permit had <br />agreed to meet with Council, Planning Commission and Staff for a Study Session <br />which had been scheduled for August 1, 1975 at 2:00 P.M. in the Council <br />Chambers. He said, however, that Council would hear this evening those members <br />of the public who wished to speak either favoring or opposing the granting of <br />this Conditional Use Permit. <br />Councilman Helgesson asked if some record would be given of citizens who had <br />written to the Town either favoring or opposing this matter. <br />lir. Crowe responded that Staff would be glad to prepare a re -cap of the <br />correspondence received for Council information, and that the file of such <br />correspondence would be available for any member of Council who wished to <br />review it. Fie said this recap would be available prior to the Study Session. <br />Council agreed by concensus to a numerical count of correspondence received <br />either for or against, as long as the actual file were readily available for <br />reference. <br />Speaking from the Floor favoring Conditional Use Permit Adobe Creek Lodge: <br />None. <br />Speaking from the Floor opposing Conditional Use Permit Adobe Creek Lodge: <br />Mrs. Alma td0od Stonebrook Drive: Noted that only 5% of Club membership were <br />residents 0 the Town, and that many of the facilities offered were also <br />available at Foothill College. <br />Mrs. Patricia Standring, Cortez Lane: Felt Permit, as presented, was too <br />commercial for the Town and urge Council to deny request. <br />Mrs.Lu <br />tcille Gould OrPlate a Drive: Spoke regarding zoning laws of the Town and <br />e Townen <br />s Gera n. <br />Ao r Mrs Carol Phy, Pioody Road: Concerned about commercial aspects of Permit. <br />Mr. Steve Mc Reynolds Moody Road: Addressed himself to State Law and previous <br />court decision concerning such applications, stating that Council did not <br />have to grant the applicant anything if they did not choose to do so. He <br />felt consideration should be given to townspeople whose property would be <br />most affected by Permit. Urged elimination of picnics and special events. <br />-6- <br />