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6W <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August -6, 1975 <br />SPECIAL ORDERS: (Cont'd) <br />d) Lands of Pappas File #399-73 S Halsted Engineer: <br />Mr. Crowe noted that the applicant had failed to file a request for an <br />extension within the alloted period of time, but that Council could <br />waive the late filing and grant the request if they so desired. <br />Mr. George Eschew, Attorney, Redwood City, representing the applicant, <br />addressed Council, stating that there had been problems concerning <br />title litigation which should be cleared up within the eight month <br />period of time which was being requested for extension. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilwoman Miller moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Helgesson and unanimously carried to waive the late filing of the request and <br />grant an extension of eight months for the filing of the final map, Lands of <br />Pappas, File #399-73. <br />3. Actions of Planning Commission: <br />a) Lands of Wright APN 182-04-059 <br />Mr. William Longmeyer, representing the applicant, addressed Council, <br />stating that extensive studies had been given to the property, and it <br />would fall well within the limits set under the subdivision moratorium. <br />Councilman Cheney expressed concern over the steepness of the slope on <br />this land which in some areas which exceeded 20%. He noted that similar <br />requests for exemption had been denied to other applicants. <br />Councilman McReynolds supported Councilman Cheney's statements and <br />concerns, stating that it was property like this that was the reason why <br />the subdivision moratorium had been declared in the first place. <br />Discussion ensued between Staff and Council concerning the map before <br />them. Mr. Longmeyer stated that the Engineer had followed what they <br />thought was the intent of the Resolution, and that it was his under- <br />standing that Council was concerned with hillside development. <br />Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Mayor Grabowski, to approve <br />the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant the request for <br />exemption for Lands of Wright. Motion failed by the following roll call <br />vote: <br />AYE: Councilman Helgesson, Mayor Grabowski <br />NO: Councilmen Cheney, McReynolds, Councilwoman Miller <br />ABSENT: NONE <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />-10- <br />