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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 6, 1975 <br />NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (Cont'd): <br />any member of such a reserve would have to complete "POST" training the same <br />Cas any ouncil,ehr. Crowe readitheer or titleSofriff's Deputy- At the request of <br />the proposed Ordinance. <br />Cheney SECONDED ANDon Councilman <br />Ordinance. <br />Councilwoman Miller stated that she was opposed to such an ordinance because <br />it appeared to be a vigillante-type approach to law enforcement. She said <br />she believed in professional law enforcement, and stated that if the purpose <br />of uch an ordinance <br />besfor oneutize person honly, andynotfforraof the " Town, then <br />to "reserve." <br />Councilman Cheney asked how the Town could set up a "reserve" when it did <br />not have a regular police force; whether this would conflict with the <br />responsibilities of the Sheriff's Department now under contract with the Town, <br />and who would determine the "need". <br />Mr. Crowe clarified the authority stated within the ordinance wherein the <br />City Council would have to approve any appointments made, and reiterated <br />L that any reserve officer would have to undergo the same training as a <br />regular officer or deputy. <br />Councilman McReynolds stated that he did not see the sense to such an <br />ordinance at this time, and thought the proposal should be studied further <br />before any decision were made. <br />Councilwoman Miller moved, seconded by Councilman McReynolds, to withdraw <br />the motion for consideration and introduction. Motion carried by unanimous <br />roll call vote. <br />b) Ordinance # amending Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the LAH Municipal <br />Code entitl'iP"Emergency Services.' <br />Mr. Crowe explained that this ordinance was being presented this evening <br />because the present ordinance pertaining to Emergency Services was out- <br />dated. He noted that the proposed ordinance was in line with current State <br />law regarding emergency services in case of civil or war disaster, and in <br />general conformance with the State guidelines for such an ordinance. <br />Mr. Crowe read the title or the Ordinance for the benefit of the public. <br />McReynoldsSECONDED <br />unanimouslyCARRIED: <br />carriedctoman waivelfurtheresson mreadingseconded <br />the Ordinance man <br />Councilman Cheney commented on the designation of the Mayor as the Director <br />` of Emergency Services, and felt it more appropriate for the City Manager <br />to be named the Director to provide some continuity. <br />-12- <br />