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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 6, 1975 <br />40 <br />NEN BUSINESS - ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (Cont'd): <br />Mayor Grabowski pointed out that the Town had seen three City Managers <br />since he was on Council, and pointed out that the City Manager was not a <br />resident of the Town and might not therefore be present during an emergency. <br />He also thought the Mayor, as an elected official, would have more empathy <br />for the people. He reminded Council that he had recently attended a special <br />training program where such emergencies and their handling were covered, <br />and felt that he was qualified to hold such a position. He said he also <br />hoped that whatever Mayor replaced him would have the same ability. He <br />noted that the City Manager, in the ordinance, was named Deputy Director. <br />Councilwoman Miller questioned why a draft of the ordinance which named the <br />City Manager as Director had been changed. She also questioned what might <br />be termed an "emergency." Councilwoman Miller felt strongly that having the <br />City Manager as Director would be more in keeping with the "checks and <br />balances" system of government. <br />Councilman Cheney stated that his concern was not that the Mayor was not <br />capable of functioning as Director; that he had worked with such Emergency <br />Services ordinances, and understood that in some cases this was the acceptable <br />procedure. He said the question became more complex since the City Manager <br />was not a resident of the Town. He noted that Council has to declare the <br />emergency, according to the ordinance, and that this ordinance would empower <br />the Town to declare such an emergency. He said that he knew that it had been <br />prepared in conjunction with the County and State officials. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Oscar Sobel, Christopher's Lane: Supported naming the Mayor as Director. <br />Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Councilman McReynolds, to introduce <br />the Ordinance by Title. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, Helgesson, McReynolds, Mayor Grabowski <br />NO: Councilwoman Miller <br />ABSENT: NONE <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />c) Ordinance d amending Title 6 of the LAH Municipal Code by adding <br />thereto Chapter 5 entitled "Beekeepin <br />Mr. Crowe explained that the Town had received a letter from a citizen who <br />had been stung by a bee and had almost died as a result of the reaction, <br />and that the letter had enclosed two petitions signed by 15 property owners <br />in the area requesting the two beekeepers in that area to remove their bees. <br />He said the City Attorney had prepared the Ordinance using the ordinance <br />adopted by Santa Clara County as a guideline. The State Agricultural Code <br />had also been checked with regard to conformity. Mr. Crowe read the entire <br />`y ordinance to the public at the request of Council. <br />Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Councilman Cheney to introduce the <br />Ordinance. <br />-13- <br />
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