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4 <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 6, 1975 <br />Following is a <br />verbatim dialogue which transpired during the Council meeting and <br />which Mayor Grabowski requested be inserted in the Minutes: <br />Councilwoman: <br />Mayor Grabowski: Tonight, in the Palo Alto Times, there was an <br />Miller <br />article which stated "Grabowski Pressured To Give Testimony." I <br />read the article and I was really quite disturbed. I spoke to Mr. <br />Gillio before the meeting. Apparently you did not appear before <br />the Human Relations Commission studying the Santa Clara County <br />Housing Patterns studying laws and the racial integration of <br />schools. <br />The thing that disturbs me very much is your reason for not <br />appearing, because I think it's a sham; and secondarily, if the <br />Mayor of this Town cannot possibly appear before a group like this <br />and defend our zoning, then who can? And I feel that a very good <br />position could be made in defending our zoning. And I feel that if <br />you don't want to do it, if you want to cop out, then let somebody <br />else go before this group. But to state that there might be <br />possible litigation - that's a very bad out; and what you do is <br />place this Town in jeopardy. Now, I don't care how you feel; don't <br />put the whole Town in jeopardy, which is exactly what you have <br />done. And you have fallen right into the trap by not appearing. <br />And it wouldn't cause you any hardship to go before this group and <br />tell them why our zoning is a good thing and why we can defend it. <br />And, when I see an article like this, I know we are going to be <br />subject to another lawsuit. And I'm really very, very disturbed <br />about something like this. <br />Now, you can answer... I've talked with the City Attorney. I was <br />disturbed by the article and what they said Mr. Gillio said, which <br />Mr. Gillio said he did not say. And so I know about the Times; <br />I know how they report things, and it's not always very correct. <br />But the fact is that you did not appear before a group that you <br />should have, and you should have strongly defended the Town's <br />zoning. <br />Mayor: <br />Am I quoted in this article? <br />C. Miller: <br />No. <br />Mayor: <br />I've talked to no reporter reqarding the situation. <br />C. Miller: <br />Apparently you wrote a letter. <br />Mayor: <br />I talked to no reporter. <br />C. Miller: <br />I don't care whether you did. <br />Mayor: <br />Mr. Helgesson? <br />C. Helgesson: <br />As one member of the Council, I don't share the views of Mrs. <br />Miller. The Council instructed you not to give any testimony.... <br />C. Miller: <br />I didn't. <br />C. Helgesson: <br />..with regard... Well, Council did have a Resolution, or did have <br />instructions from our Attorney on a lawsuit not to discuss any <br />phases of our zoning outside of the Council Chambers. <br />-7- <br />