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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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6W CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 6, 1975 <br />ITEMS TAKEN OUT OF ORDER AS THEY APPEARED ON THE AGENDA: (Cont'd) <br />C. Miller: While we were under threat from the Be la Raza.... <br />C. Helgesson: Point of order....I have the floor. And I think Mr. Grabowski <br />had a perfect right to refuse to give testimony. And until this <br />Council passes a Resolution that we can, I expect him to honor <br />the instructions that we have given. <br />Mayor: Thank you. Mr. Gillio7 <br />Mr. Gillio: Well, Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council. I, likewise, have <br />not spoken with any reporters. I did speak with the Deputy County <br />Counsel, who is quoted, because he called my office - and this is <br />after we had spoken. <br />I think: 1) Whether the Mayor or any member of the Council does <br />or does not appear before an Advisory Commission of another <br />jurisdiction - in this case, the County - is basically a matter of <br />policy for the Council to determine. What disturbed me, bringing <br />it back into the legal realm, was the statement by the Deputy <br />County Counsel to the effect that they might well consider the <br />issuance of a subpoena. And I said, 'Your Commission doesn't have <br />the authority to do this.' And he said, 'Oh, it's been granted by <br />the Board of Supervisors.' <br />Now, that part does disturb me. I think to subpoena a Chief <br />Officer of a City to appear before another jurisdiction in a <br />matter where a public hearing was being held on a generalized <br />subject, namely, housing, is certainly much different than an in- <br />vestigation either by a Grand Jury or by the Board of Supervisors, <br />or a City Council, of some particular act or concern that might <br />lead to further litigation. The powe•to subpoena is the power to <br />get at the facts through testimony and through presentation of <br />written evidence. And I thought that it was out of mind to <br />threaten, impliedly, that they might consider the subpoenaing of <br />the Mayor. And I asked .that the County Counsel's office call me <br />first before they undertook such a procedure so that we would be <br />advised, and the Council could determine what action it chose to <br />take. The Deputy County Counsel did state that this was an <br />invitation to appear - an invitation not only to the Mayor of this <br />City, but to other cities. And I think it's summed up in terms <br />of my response that, implied in an invitation is the right to <br />decline it. <br />The County Counsel's office was particularly interested in <br />whether we were still involved in the litigation, and advised that <br />they had contacted Mr. Anderson, the attorney who represented the <br />Town ably, and he said that that matter was completed. But there <br />has been publicity to the effect that the Town might be sued as <br />a result of a flew Jersey decision. So the continued challenge of <br />`, the zoning may be a real possibility. And I think you've got to <br />clearly delineate between the two things that are involved: the <br />philosophies, the matter of Council representation - those are <br />matters of policy that the Council determines. But I think when <br />10 <br />
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