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4 <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />MINUTES - August 6, <br />1975 <br />ITEMS TAKEN <br />OUT OF ORDER AS THEY <br />APPEAR ON THE AGENDA: <br />Mr. Gillio: the possibility of consideration of a subpoena directed to the <br />(cont'd) Mayor, or any other member of the Council,to appear before an <br />Advisory group as a result of not having accepted an invitation <br />to discuss something that involves a County -wide matter, is a <br />different concern, and one that the Council should be concerned <br />with. <br />I think the Council should have the freedom to decide whether they <br />want to discuss their zoning or not discuss it - that's Policy. <br />But forcing, or using leverage to force any member of the Council <br />to appear, seems to me to be playing dirty pool. <br />Mayor: Thank you. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS (Cont'd): <br />2. Requests for Time Extension in Filing Final Subdivision Map: <br />a) Lands of Koo File #TM 396-72 J. Riley, Enqineer: <br />Mr. Koo,applicant,appeared before Council explaining the reason for <br />this request for an extension of time, which pertained to further study <br />of recent percolation tests for septic tank installation. <br />MOTION SECONDED ANP CARRIED: Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Councilwoman <br />Miller an unanimously carried to grant an extension of one year to the time for <br />filing final map, Lands of Koo, File #TM396-72. <br />b) Lands of Hayward File 0171403-73 Paul Nowack, Engineer: <br />Mr. Crowe explained that this extension was being requested because the <br />drainage requirements had not been completed. He noted that, with the <br />storm drain improvements planned for Barron Creek, that this problem <br />might be improved. <br />Mr. Stoddard, representing the applicant also appeared before Council. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Council- <br />woman Miller and unanimously carried to grant an extension of one year to the <br />time for filing final map, Lands of Hayward, File #TM2004-73. <br />C) Lands of Soector File #Tf1403-73 Paul Nowack, Engineer: <br />Mr. Crowe stated that this request was being made to allow the applicant <br />additional time for the preparation of the necessary documents, and <br />Staff had no objections to the granting of this request. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilwoman Miller moved, seconded by Councilman <br />Helgesson and unanimously carried to grant an extension of one year to the time <br />for filing final map, Lands of Spector, File #TM403-73. <br />10 <br />