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Regular Meeting Minutes
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`r CITY COUNCIL MEETI"!r - September 1, 1975 <br />STAFF REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE & A^MUICEME9TS (Cont'd): <br />of the Constitution Observance Committee. <br />Mr. Lesser thanked the flavor and invited Council and members of the Public to <br />celebrate the signing of the Constitution at a Program to be held on Tuesday, <br />September 30, 1975 at Flint Auditorium, neAnza College, Cupertino. The time <br />is 7:30 P.H., and admission is free. <br />C. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports of Standing Committees: <br />a) Traffic and Public Safety Committee - Mrs. I. Goldsmith, Chairman: <br />Following is a verbatim transcription of the report submitted by the <br />Committee which Mrs. Goldsmith requested be entered into the record: <br />"I have spoken on the need for basic improvement and safety in our trans- <br />portation system consisting of narrow winding roads Plus adjacent Town <br />Paths. Town Paths along our paved roads are not being maintained, there <br />are many missing sections resulting suddenly in no path continuityc this <br />endangers the safety of those pedestrians, equestrians, joggers and <br />bicyclists; there are many more children using oaths to walk to school in <br />the L.A. District since there are no bus services offered this year. <br />"Let us then honestly face the Tovm responsibility to provide for a con- <br />tinuous Town Path system, certainly alonn our main well -travelled paved <br />roads where people must travel to their work, schools, shopping, other <br />business. Now radar can be used as of July 7, 1975 and this should be <br />expedited with no further delays. This may bring certain resentment with <br />citations for speeding violations, but it is also expected that there will <br />be increased revenues and better control with no larger law enforcement <br />staff. The Town receives from the county WZ of fine and forfeitures now <br />noina into the General Fund to he used for miscellaneous expenses. It is <br />fair to return this income in fines derived from traffic violations, <br />placed in a Special Fund and used to improve the very situation of traffic <br />need and safety. Resentment would, naturally, be far less if those thus <br />cited knew that such monies would be used for their own and that of their <br />loved ones safety while using Town Paths. Additional building to shore <br />un the missing connections, adequate maintenance, clearance of brush, <br />poison oak, large boulders, signs, etc. will do a nreat deal to olcase <br />residents. Only after Town Paths are brought up to par for safety and ease <br />of travel should these funds be used for general road improvement where <br />they would be most insignificant. <br />"Traffic and Public Safety recommends: Revenue developed from use of radar <br />and other traffic fines be nut in a Snecial Fund rather than the Present <br />General Fund; fund be used in building and maintaining in good condition <br />(E the Torn Paths adiacent to, elevated or below as the terrain permits, <br />the Town's paved roads in general busy use, that brush, thistles and <br />poison oak, boulders, Binns, etc. be cleared for the safety and ease of <br />travel for equestrians, pedestrians, joggers and bicyclists. Motion by <br />Ryiell, second Stewart, yes unanimous passed. <br />-3- <br />
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