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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
4/20/2016 1:50:11 PM
Creation date
7/27/2015 11:30:18 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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4 <br />6W <br />CITY COU"CIL �4FITMC, - OcVo pr I 1975 <br />SOLID WASTE <br />suggestions and recr-.mPndations. After review of the Preliminary Plan and <br />review of recommendations, the Planninn Department hoped to have a Final <br />Report before the cities to be reviewed prior to the Planning Policy <br />Committee meeting on December 13th. The Plan could then be transmitted to <br />the Roar,! of Supervisors b.}' the 2'rS..,` <br />!'Ir. Terriberry introduced fir. Hike Smith, who recommended that Council re- <br />viera Chapters 2, 13, and 14 in particular. He then gave the highlights of <br />the report to Council, outlining the plan to construct three shreddinn plants <br />to he placed in Mountain View, San Jose, and Los Gatos for the recovery of <br />'errous metals, aluminum and glass, with an additional plant to be built in <br />;n Jose after 1985. The financing recommendations presently were that <br />the cities o-rould finance the construction and operations through a Joint <br />Powers Agreement. <br />Commissioner rerkins inquired as towhether the County had considered tl,e <br />possibility of requiring solid waste separation at the homeowner level. He <br />felt that if narbane costs were raised ounitively if the homeowner did not <br />separate the garbage. <br />Discussion e;.sued between Council, Staff and Mr. Smith regarding certain <br />aspects of the Plan. Mayor R,lgesson thanked Mr. Smith and Hr. Terriberry <br />for their nresentation to Council. <br />^. Report from Legislative Review Committee - Councilman Cheney <br />Councilman Cheney stated that this Committee had had its orcanizational <br />meetinn and would meet again or, October 13th. He thought official <br />recognition from the Torn to Lenislators should be given so ti,e Committee <br />erould he reconnizcd whenever correspondence with them minht be warranted. <br />3. Presentations from the Floor: Hone <br />E. SPECIAL ORnERS: <br />1. R,enuest for permits for tennis court construction- Adobe Creek Lodge: <br />'ir. Crowe exolaine^• that a letter :gad been roceive,' from V` Los Rltos Mills <br />Country Club requesting permits for the construction of the additional <br />tennis courts ,prior to completion o� the requirements of the Conditional <br />iso. Permit recently granted. He said that the applicant had indicated that <br />he would submit a Faithful Performance Bond to insure the completion of the <br />requirements and necessary landscaping. <br />"r. gave Henderson, Banquet Mananer for the Club, addressed Council, ex- <br />plaininn that because of the weather, time was of the essence in proceeding <br />with the new Club concent, which included the additional tennis courts in <br />order to sell memberships and begin operating. <br />!ir. Ken Schmidt, Landscape Architect, Palo Alto,. presented a landscaping <br />plan for rhe rroposed tennis courts, statins that '!;e had carefully chosen <br />-3- <br />
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