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CITY COUr'rIL tiEF.TIPIP' - Octc`.ar 1, 1117G <br />f SPE -I.91. Onnr^n. rronk'di <br />Adobe',reel: Lo-',-ne (C",ted): <br />the shrubs, plants ar:d crces -Cur the purpose of scroeninn the courts and <br />°or their noise dead^.nir.-: ^.`feciivcness. <br />Council raised nuestions regarding this rewest since it was not clear as to <br />':!hovas nakino it, who would lost the Performance Bond, and. to -hon tho <br />n2rni1ts noulc". be issued. Ccuncilman Cheney stated that he would he un- <br />villinn to grant such permission until he had seen a sinned cony o` the Use <br />^rr"it, as Well as Articles o Incorporation for the Ciuh 'iistinn t"o <br />:officers. <br />City Attorney Frank Giliio said the permits mould have to he issued tic, the <br />Los ^.ltos Hills Country Club, a Pon -Profit Cornoratioir, and not to t newer <br />of Ar:cbe Creel: Lodge, s,nce this !alas a non-conforning us <br />11.f ter furthc^ discussion, !lith the U tv Aitornev outlininn What Isould 'nave <br />to be ,one Sefore such nermits could he M ante -° r 'ro Ten ;+erlesson <br />state' that Council could nroceed no other on this renuest at this tine. <br />Anneal Erin Check List rorodition: LAWIDS OF CORDOS, File 8DSA9°-73, from <br />Condition #5 re anreement 7o share costs on extension of rater main and <br />` fire 'iydrpnts: <br />Tann Planner !:en Pastrof recommended that Council -CS _'i,•' since the Fire <br />Dooartoent had withdrar,n this iten as a renuirenenr. art" condition for <br />h-iildinq site annroval. <br />Chief John Senders, Lo' Altos Fire Protection ']istr ks„ addressed Co.encil to <br />explain the 'reasons ,thy this ccodition had been wit'I:'lrann by their department. <br />Council,tonan Hiller moved, seconded by Councilman Cheney and unanimously <br />annroved to delete Condition 5 in total from trio Check List Conditions for <br />File OBSASY -73, LA'!nS OF CV3US. <br />F. rFn,rnnl. n".HERS ?'. OiIF21:!I�!'rR BI!SIPIE°C' <br />1., pc,!,—s' of Los Altos ire ne.— rtnar.`. for har. or discharne of Fira,mrks. <br />I?r. Croiq�- axplainr' ,,.t a ren.!e "gad been recei'r='s `rcia the Les Altos Fire <br />9rotection District as!cin that tl^cr City Council aro_ r^ '1r llua;ue nr^- <br />hihitin,, the '.ischarae of firewor4s rithin trio Cite. he said t'.^ oresent <br />'Winance nrohihited t"ehe Town, but did not <br />sale o= fimror's !-'it` nt <br />nrohhit the 1isc!,arge of fireworks. <br />r'^--ief Sanders addressed Council conn inir.n the:unst, re er."in^ <br />reaert concern nn the damanes caused hY all th^ fire!aorl whether safe and <br />sane., or illenal. <br />`r Council dis,ussion ensued renardinn the 'problems .If enfineemert o` such an <br />Ordinance, arc' questioned hors many ocher cities ha,' such an Or?inanco. <br />