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6w <br />CITY CWICIL MY!'U'TCS - Octc-:-r 1. 11.17` <br />,F'IrRAL (`jRDFRS Aran 11'�FT"T"'°r' ^'.,SI!!FSS (Cont'd). <br />Mayor Pro Tpo I!e"inasson felt that citizens of the Tari shoald be allor!ed <br />to address the issue because of the differinn opinions regardinn such an <br />Ordinance. <br />Speaking from the Floe :•: <br />firs. T. Schic!;, "eston Roa'. Regarding enforcement of such an Ordinance. <br />Proft, Foody Road: ji' not think ban on fireworks would he effective, <br />therefnre he was onnosed to such an Ordinance. <br />:Aftcr further discussion Councilman Cheney moved, seconded b,, Mayor Pro Tem <br />Helnesson to direct Staff to orenare an Ordinance prohibiting the discharge <br />of fireworks oithin the Tosco. motion carried by the follouinq roll call <br />Vote,: <br />q r. i,me C r :vi r '.'r, Tell Pr'.'-)Ss— <br />NO: <br />Counci e :.i^_hey. tc ceynol ds, !'' .. <br />NO: Biller <br />PBSF"''F• Payor 'Irabows!:i <br />ABSTAIN: i!,01!7- <br />2. <br />:O[!E <br />2. Cor..iittee Annointments: <br />a) Environmental Oesimi Committee: Three vacancies. <br />Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Councilrionan and unanimously <br />carriel to aonoint Hr. Phil 7ahl, firs. Patricia L7n.:h, and R. -s. Gertrude <br />Sherlock to the Environnental resign Committee for a t;!o year tern each, <br />engin^..tune 2O,^77. <br />h) noise 4hatement Comittae: One vacancy. <br />Councilwoman Puller moved, seconded by Councilman Cheney and vnaninously <br />carried to re-annoint Mr. "aldo Ashby to a two-year tern ending June 30, 1977. <br />r-r-.:,ittr`e: [oar waca]CirS. <br />Councilwoman Diller made the suq'Ir;stion to Council that the rat'iw3y Committee <br />he reduced to five members as n^posed to the present seven members to brine <br />the Comittce in line r!ith other Stanuing Comittees uhose memberships con- <br />sisted of five, f!ayor Pro Teri Geinesson felt t"at, in v=; -u of thr_ fact that <br />such a change would require an amendment to the Resol,tion ocrtafininq to <br />Standinn Committees, that it should be made into a motion and placed on the <br />next Wnda for consideration and discussion ai that tine. <br />Counciluoman Hiller so moved, seconded b,, Councilman Chene:! and inanir•,ows!Y <br />carried and to Aoenda the matter for consi.eration at t'M next Council <br />meeting. <br />-5- <br />