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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - October 1, 1975 <br />to NF11 RUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />Councilwoman Miller also questioned the City Attorney regarding the <br />possibility of the Tor;n's zoning the present school property as Open <br />Space. <br />Councilman McReynolds agreed with Mrs. (tiller, his reason being that the <br />School District appeared to be using one of the schools as a garage, which <br />would be a non -conforming use within the Town. <br />Mr. Gillio said the question was in two parts and he would prepare an <br />opinion for Council on the matter. <br />4. Councilman Cheney: <br />Councilman Cheney stated that the question of the recent decision by LAFCO <br />to allow Palo Alto to annex land within the sphere of influence of Mountain <br />View would come up at the Inter -City Council meeting on October 2nd, and <br />thought the City should be prepared to support one or the other. <br />,After discussion on the matter, it was the consensus of Council to support <br />the City of Mountain View. <br />5. Councilman Helqesson: <br />`, Mayor Pro Tem Helqesson directed the City Manager to poll Council and re- <br />schedule the Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission on the proposed <br />subdivision ordinance revisions since the last meeting had to be cancelled <br />due to the lack of a quorum of Council members. <br />r:, Councilman Cheney also asked if the City Attorney had been informed of <br />the Planning Policy Committee matter. <br />Mr. C,illio responded that he would prepare a Memo to Council on this matter. <br />H. EXECUTIVE (LITIGATION) SESSION: <br />Council adjourned to an Executive (Litigation) Session at 11:53 P.M. <br />I. ADJOURNMENT; <br />Council re -convened and adjourned the meeting at 11:35 P.M. <br />Respectfully suhmitted, <br />`7 <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />Oenuty City Clerk <br />-7- <br />