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CITY rOU_';IL <br />L Tn"! 'IF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />■r 2677 Fremont Road <br />Los Altos Hills, California <br />!:INUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING <br />Hednesday, October 15, 1975 <br />cc: Reel 81, Side 2, Tr. 1 - 001-732 <br />Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Helgesson called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to <br />order at 7:30 P.H. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall: <br />A. ROU -CALL: <br />Present: Councilmen Cheney, McReynolds, Councilwoman Miller, Mayor Pro Tem <br />Helgesson. <br />Absent: 'layor Graboo-rski, Commissioner 11illestad for Planning Commission <br />Staff: City Manager Robert Crowe, City Attorney Frank Gillio, City <br />Engineer .Alex Russell, Deputy City Clerk, Morma Hislop <br />Press: "one <br />B. C(WSE�!T CALE`lpAR, <br />At the request of Councilwoman Miller, the Minutes of October 1, 1975 were <br />40 removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. <br />Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Councilwoman ililler and unanimously <br />carried to approve the remaining items on the Consent Calendar, namely: <br />1. Approval of 11inutes: September 30, 1975 (Adjourned Meetinq) <br />September 22, 1975 (Adjourned Meetinq) <br />2. Approval of "arrants: 326,123.2E <br />3. Resolutions for Adoption: <br />Resolution h9g3 determining that public interest and necessity require <br />the acquisition of real property and directing the filing of Eminent <br />Domain proceedinns. <br />ITEMS RE11OVE0 FROM CnNSF"T CALENDAR FOR SEPA°ATE COT'SIOERATION7 <br />1. Approval of t1inutes: October 1, 1975 (Regular fleeting)— <br />Councilwoman hiller noted that on pane 2 of the Minutes under "Special <br />Reports.''it was indicated that she was absent from the Chambers, but <br />did not indicate she had returned. She requested that the Minutes be <br />corrected to reflect that she had only been absent for several minutes, <br />and had baen present to hear the report. <br />t'.OTI19 SECOW,)E.D AID CAr,1,IED: Councilman Cheney moved. seconded by Councilwoman <br />Puller and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of October 1st as corrected. <br />