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City Council Minutes
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Creation date
7/27/2015 11:42:52 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL HIMITES- December 2, 1175 <br />6. ITEMS RFMOVEn FRO,! CT(ST11T (,ALEI"R (Cont':). <br />Councilaioman ?tiller asked that. the Minutes reflect that she had stated that <br />the present Council had been a positive Council working for the good of the <br />Community. She asked that, the words "despite philasonhical differences" be <br />striken from the record and that she had stated that she flerther felt that <br />the Community knew her well enough that, had the allegations that had been <br />made were true, she would have been the first to try <br />Mayor r-rabowski renuested that in the last paragraph on nage 3, the alter- <br />natives should be incorporated into -the Minutes as follows:" Council, as <br />individuals could seek redress in court if they determined this was an unfair <br />criticism or written with malice. !!r. Gillio advised that Council members <br />so desiring should seek the advice of the 9istrict Attorney to determine the <br />possibility of criminal libel, but should not proceed as a City. Another <br />alternative was to demand a retraction by the League of women Voters." <br />2. Annrovai of liarrants: 453,131.86 <br />Councilwoman hiller questioned the warrant.ppde out to Mr. Im. Zoller in the <br />amount of 435.90. City Manager Robert Crowe stated that the check in ouestion <br />was for the purchase of toner, labels and various supplies for the Xerox <br />machine which was being offered -because those law offices had recently changed <br />copying machines. Councilwom Miller commented that she did not feel this <br />looked well. Mayor Grabowski:stated he felt the City Manager should exercise <br />discretion in such matters_.- <br />Councilman Cheney questiomd-the warrant to Cunningham Construction Company, <br />stating that he was not happy with the'road overlay on Fremont Road. Mr. <br />Crowe responded that he, too, .was concerned with Fremont Road and had talked <br />with the contractor about it. He explained that some areas of the road were <br />structnrallp different which was partially the ca -:se. Inresponse to Council, <br />�r. Crcwe-stated that 40-50%-of.the twork'had-been completeii-to-date.. <br />Soeakino from the Floor: <br />lir. Matt Altenhofen, Chairman, Public 4orks Committee: Addressed Council <br />stating that he had checked the roads completed and that 95% of the work <br />done was satisfactory, and only 1% of the entire job was unsatisfactory. In <br />response to, Council's'sugaestion that the- warrant tbe held up until Council <br />heard from the cortractor,.:7r. Altenhofen-felt that the -Warrant -should be <br />paid since the Town held a -bond -which was sufficient to guarantee the Job. <br />Mr. Crowe also noted that the contractor was taking corrective reasures to <br />fix those areas which were -not -satisfactory. <br />3. Actions of Variance & Permtt Commission- <br />a) LA11OS OF CLAUS file i185A6D5S-75 tecamaended approval of -request <br />subject to conditions: -._. <br />b) LA'iDS OF MEMARD, Fila #BSAG05-75_Rec0mmended approval of request <br />`- subject to Condittons.. <br />C) I.f,MOS OF'-SMIT11,'Fite-$6SA6061-75�RecO"ndEd.Am+roia1-of regnest <br />subject to eoad3tions.-_ <br />- - — --2-._..._ -. <br />
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