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City Council Minutes
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4/20/2016 2:12:02 PM
Creation date
7/27/2015 11:44:14 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINOTES - Decemher R, 1975 <br />AnORF CREEK CODUTRY CLIIR (Cont'1): <br />seconded by Councilman Helgesson, but failed hY a tie vote. <br />Sneakinn from the Floor suonortinq Councilman Cheney's motion: <br />Mrs. T. Schick, !ieston Road: Also stated that the Planninn Commission had <br />been assured that they were dealinq with the parcels as a whole. <br />?r. David Proft, Moody Poad: Speakinq as a private citizen and concerned <br />about !•!hat use would he made of Area "C" if it is excluded from Ilse Permit. <br />Mrs. J. Carico, O'Keefe Lane: Supported former speakers. Thought the <br />conditions might be entirely different if the Planning Commission had con- <br />sidered the Use Permit application with 6P. acres. <br />Soeakinn from the F' -,or: <br />Mr. David Rellucci, oemer of the property, addressed Council regarding his <br />plans for Area "C" should Council separate the parcel from the land to be <br />included in the Use Permit. Fle said it was his intention to have a private <br />stable for race horses on the property once the Club becomes self-sustaininq. <br />After further discussion, Councilman Helgesson mny0'4 that Council approve <br />Areas "A" and "D" in the Use Permit With the condition that the owner of <br />Area "C," be. required to remove the structures in that particular area except <br />for the private residence, which can be used that one of the residential <br />units in Area "P." be anoroved for residential use after it has been hrounht <br />un to Code; and that the other residential unit be approved for Club use after <br />it has been brought un to Cole, that the landscaninn on the west, north and <br />east boundaries, and throughout the pedestrian corridors be required:, and <br />that, if necessary, a parcel mar) be submitted for Area "C•' in conformance with <br />the Subdivision Hap Act. fiayor Grabowski seconded the notion. <br />In response to questions of Councilwoman Piiller, Councilman Ilelgesson <br />clarified his motion that there were tem residential units in .Area "A" to <br />i �hich he referred, and that only the residence in Area "C" be permitted to <br />remain on that parcel, with all other structures, picnic tables, etc. to be <br />removed. The question was then called, and Councilman Helnesson's motion <br />(above) carried by the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilman Helgesson, Councilwoman Mller, Payor Graho•.jski <br />10: Councilman Cheney <br />ABSENT: Councilman gcReynolds <br />ARSTAIM: NO?:F <br />City Attorney Frank Gillio suggested that Council next deal with Item M <br />in the annotated Ilse Permit which was an additional condition inserted by <br />the Club !^hich referred to the maintenance of landscaoinp. It alas Council <br />consensus to agree to the insertion of this narafranh into the Ilse Permit. <br />(rk <br />.ef. n. 16 of Use Permit, annotation .3A). <br />-3- <br />
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