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r.ITP ^^l!°!C.L PiI,'I1T7 - cocoa -,Pr 17, in7c <br />IT7`15 r.r...!ruC^ F^nr. T' IT rni r,,,n,n Fn 711 .t°F=1TI 0(ront'c'1: <br />?. Approval Of !'arrant.s• "•11",", rn <br />Councilman Cheney state! Viat, since Ilarrart ;1061-, removed from the Con- <br />sent Calendar at too �'.eetino of necenber "ndd, had alreaaY '?een issued, that <br />,'arrant should he added to f."e total of this evenino' s list. <br />"r. Cro}!e statert that a representative from the comnanv ,:iee11 be present at <br />t'le meCtino t' is eveninn to answer any questions Council minht have reoardinn <br />t!^.e resurfacinn o` t'?e To,:m's roads. <br />e. "(tions of Plannim Commission! <br />a) Lr:�� <br />S.n gip; tC.'_-L]-03;: Recommenced approval of reouest for <br />.5 OF A. <br />exemntion from suhdivision moratorium° <br />Council•„onan 'Diller requested an explanation as to laky this nrnnertY ha", been <br />recorc?endea for a exemption from the suhdivision mor atori Un in view of the <br />steep tonocra011 an'? the history of drainage problems in the area. <br />Commissioner 1'ounq state' that 'the Plannins ComnissiOc hacl eonsi'ere^ that <br />the lana im-ill only be divided into bvo parcels teat it anneare"' there raoull <br />Ile no excessive cuts because the annlicant planned to use t'^e drivelgay already <br />in existence for inoress anc enress. Ifo also note(' that the Commissior had <br />considerer+ the request in light of the concerns exorrssed in the nesol!ltion <br />callinn for t:ne moratorium, ani that it ,as not the acceptance of a Sub- <br />division nal. <br />a <br />In rzsoonse to a rn.zstie^. by Co!mcilman Ch^o_�/. City "ttnrnc, Frank. villin <br />stated that jay nossible sub"ivision man presented b,'! t'ie annlicant could he <br />accent,' or rejecter! by the Council on the hasis of �shether or not it can <br />- <br />formc- ni, the Tvm's Ordinances., the C,eneral P'ar.: an' t'^a trnnts a' 0001 <br />olanrn rr. "r. rillio alsn noted that a condition of approval cou"sd '+e adie' <br />which nmol,! require the subdivider to conform At'! t'?e revised Cr+!inances, in <br />response to cr'uncilrjs... "c'e'inolds question. <br />Counci'n?n ^.er o"s "SO felt that since thr r_ns r: or+inances ,sere so <br />n^ar Co^pn"tion it 4; Ont make sense to 0rant '11s exemntion; hec]use tha <br />nrOhlemS in t'1('. 3rea floUN he nore easily aC'!resse-! Un''er the ne'^! Ordinances. <br />'irs. J Carico, f;+airman. Plannino. Corrlissio- l,oted tha concerns expressed <br />in tl,. jesoiution callinn for a suhdivision ^Oratori'.:n, and said thnt the <br />corlmissi^n hall r^'dl -Y3J the nag and r^nuest in t..t li^ht. <br />eommissio,ar i`orrn also rommented that.. hecap:.e a numt>nr of promart, o!•n?ars <br />wore nlarniro to dovelon at this time, Staff bad been re^'ste•! by "e <br />rn.^missina to meet '.�i th t`:e o!rmers in an effort to insure coo"n^,annirn for <br />t`'^. crea �ilich -ould be in the best interest of the Tc�"n. <br />u <br />