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CITY CotIRCIL MINUTES - December 17, 1975 <br />L^nnS Dr !Ine (rnnt'd): <br />er fur iev :Ass L-11 cri a ures.,,.tia:ron <br />Pastrof- Tom Planner, shoring possible future development in the area, <br />[ntmcilman ("'W1 move+;, <,^ nn!ed by flavor Pro Ter Nal eesson to ^rant the <br />to1. <br />annlicanc anreeto lint the suhsivision to tmo parcels and that the <br />tentative nap will conform to the future su�divtseon or^irance. Notion <br />the F ._ r.,1 ca31 <br />AYF- Councilmen Cheney, ticlevnolds, fiayor Pro Tem !ielnesson <br />rynCa!nnilr'oman Biller <br />it,,cr Cra"o'.:IsH <br />Councilman r0\I seconded by (laver Prn. Ter! 1 <br />items remov. ,� fror rho rrns nt Calendar as amen'ed a�cve. 'lotion carried <br />unanina!sl,', Counr r,an r"neynolls ahstairinn from *',e ^n9roval of the <br />Ptinutes. <br />this point in the necti'c, City ilananer Cohert Croa!e introduced Council to <br />ran Thomas, Fnnir-er -or Gmnin0aia Nradinn and "ovinn, the ronannv ift h, -LI <br />h,,,,., ai-larde(l t.-: contract fcr the road reserr'acin^ nrorram. <br />7w—os 5 d. twat `- nuld h ,appy to i era v m stir,'+s ov:;ci7 nr .a �r <br />r earrr:cn t +!or'N connlet.�. to .'ate. Ne note I. t',at he an:'. Ir Cunningham ha' <br />hn 'avor. ni. e.r am City ;'anannr ant ;t. was '+n eel at that tine <br />t.n r r e l <br />.hat any clrrections at na •' rd to be cafe -..:1+' he dr : at the .o rAnyintion n` t`r <br />'::., sr-'..,:: fe', t::at th..o Cnmoany tas icing e 1 yinr, at t•.e <br />sane time, to -ve V,^ Trean r.,nev, <br />T •ere Nein n no co.estia,is from tip Council at this t i.- tiavc eloesson than°c' <br />T•c,rns for atte .inn the rretinn this ever -:inn. <br />... corr7� nrri.r_Tc <br />" ear.^.r Pr ::n ! SSnn :-,o --1 Viat ')e aP from t'ie oa ir- <br />t.oman v r -ra a and P"Ilic Safnt' +rmmitt e that he r^mini <br />resid r rsneciali, c_,rrful darinn Vie or'.womim tfelidav Season, <br />t!^ in "J.ins 'nth c..��t cn and to the -,id pct tempt anyo-t �y <br />1:_avinn their c,... open, "' elso to he more :e.ciovs in .c�;rinn Oeir hones <br />a,ainst nossi.•:�, Narita.` <br />Prose -�irts from t' -.e rloor7 <br />aonticant f.: aI-.uildinn site <br />9 tae ''n rf +`' Vari S. Planrin: Como^.*S5?On toe t,'ti5 r + 5t to <br />f•.64w._ en<.. liar+ilii+,rc'gni.,.,: n- <br />-A- <br />