^TTV rnlrlr IJ: I!TS .. .. 17 1n7_
<br />SP'CIAL D36E'S (Cont'd,
<br />Unr "nog ++ ,e, rI;T 75° Request for chap^,e to Pat4ijay Easement
<br />.. ,,.litN ,;� x',^ition oF oth.r conr'.itio^s7
<br />Or. Crone noted that the developers of the Dain Pi,'ne Estate Suhdivision,
<br />Iona Consultants, had renuested Council consideration of a ch,anne in the
<br />natlleav easements for the suhjcct property, an'' that Council had snhsengently
<br />referred the matter to to Pa.th�aay Committee for revie'.�, an-!. reccnnenration.
<br />I1r. Ken Pastrof showed a vieLanranh of the property r-rhich in�icated thn n21r
<br />rrrniest and the recommendation of tce Path+:,a,r Committee.
<br />Cci.incilmar Cheney moved, seconded by Co'.!ncilreoman'".iller and unanimously
<br />carried by roll call vote to delete Itams n and S from the original check
<br />list of conditions. OAT1 RID7 ESTATES, and accent the Pathway Committee's
<br />recommendation as stated in their Mnutes of "ovenber ^r, 1975, specifically:
<br />"A n- root e s nt on the east side of Lo" -. a P -foot easement on the
<br />east side of Lot ate' in -lieu pa7mlent equal to the cost of cons.ructinn
<br />a 550 -foot type ^A nathv)av, including cost of cogstraction ennineerin.
<br />and recordation for an a,,IAMonal easemcnt from t'te cul-de-sac throunh
<br />Lot ,,
<br />'ir r?ilt unteell, Iona Cons'.Iltants, a,!'ressnd Council, station that he -as
<br />is full anr&,2ment ,.lith t'1=_ pathway racormaendatinns and requested Council
<br />action on t'1eir renvrest to delete items !. and 19.
<br />Councilman C- ency movedssconled by Councili,omi?.n 71iller anr± unanimously
<br />carried by roll call vote to delete Items 1C are'. 19 from the original check
<br />list of con'itions ,:vit`I tho s!Ibstitution of the follorainn!
<br />Ti -at Lot n he acquire,! by the Santa Clara valley hater District in its
<br />entirety for a fleo-1 plain aril future construction of the channel as
<br />regr,i re,'.
<br />Ft. That Lot 2 be c'.ea^:=v in nrior to transfer of title to t;Te ''at^r "istrict.
<br />C. That, storm, drainace fees he nail to the To -<m in corformance -fit) the
<br />To 's n,rdina^ccs.
<br />3. Request for r'tmendment to Seager Refudinn Agree:icnt betp9en Allen 7. Calvin
<br />aiA t"e Tc,,n o� Los Altos "ills.
<br />1r. Cro.e da':e i,t 'r. Calvin uaas reni.estinn an amenrry . to his .nree-
<br />ment ,nth the lo,m r!i th renard to relnbursenent proce^'ure "e stat,el that
<br />^r. Calvin had entero,! into an anreement rit't the progeny o.nsrs „ o i-ished
<br />to ,nn,.ct to 1 , ,- non rl4erein he vlould ' reimhrvis d dirc^_tly instead
<br />of - have a '1, 7'in acis t -,e Payinq anent. llc r ommendei ainroval of V`e
<br />zmcn.'nent.
<br />rr,..Oc11 _n Chenn ,over', er.o,nded by Councilman n" nolds an,' !manimovs'.y
<br />carrinl to alon resolution '1927 approvingl and authorizinm execution of amend -
<br />vent to ,fun:ing Anrecmert howccn Allen ^. Calvin the Tov?n of Los Altos
<br />Tip,
<br />