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CITY MWICIL U075 - n,,cember 1,1' 1^7r7 <br />f.IFe MISI US (roat'd). <br />residential dnellino units on tie nronerty. <br />City Attorney Frank rillio states. that he thoFnhtthe matter -oo.ld he <br />clarified in readine the conditions in the nei�lIlse Permit he had draim <br />un in conformance with Council actions. Ile sai-t. he e101.0d be availahle to <br />ar—ier any nuestions Council minht have ,hen the nev document hal been <br />revie,,.l'., f?r. ,illio stated that copies of the Ilse Permit ha' heen distrib- <br />uted to them this weninn in their mail poxes. t'.e also noted that a nes, <br />nlot Dian and ler;al description had to he furnishe3 the Tovm. <br />2. Co,mcileaoman 'idler: <br />Requested to knoll the reason laky an appointment to the Pathviay Committee bad <br />not heen aperodad, for this evening's meetinn. <br />Mr. Croi-,e StAteA that no further aDDlicatiens had been received to date for <br />consideration. <br />I. A^JCpR�r<;CnT. <br />7we beinn no fort';er business, Council adiourned at 1^a2p P.-'. to their <br />next regular neetirn on January 7. 1576. <br />Resnectfe'.11y suhmitted, <br />forma J. !'is'oo <br />^enuty City Clerk <br />Y- <br />