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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 2, 1974 <br />After discussion by Council which considered the feasibility of <br />a semi-annual business license versus the quarterly license, con- <br />sideration of penalty fines on unlicensed businesses, the Council <br />also discussed the changing of other fees included in the Fee Survey <br />undertaken by Staff. <br />Councilman Grabowski asked that the question of the business license <br />be considered separate from the question of changing the building <br />permit fees. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman McReynolds moved, seconded by <br />Councilwoman Miller that Staff be directed to prepare an ordinance to <br />allow for the quarterly issuance of business licenses. The motion was <br />carried by the following vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Cheney, McReynolds, Councilwoman Miller, Mayor Helgesson. <br />No: Councilman Grabowski. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Cheney moved, seconded by Council- <br />woman Miller, and unanimously carried that staff be directed to prepare <br />an ordinance incorporating recommendations on other building fees as <br />outlined in the Staff's Fee Survey. <br />�A' E. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: <br />I. Councilwoman Miller: <br />Informed Council that Town Historian Mrs. Florence Fava, who was unable <br />to be present at the meeting, had asked her to apprise Council that <br />the Santa Clara County Planning Department was drafting a county <br />ordinance for a historical district. One aspect of the "H" zone would <br />include some of the historical sites within the Town, and that the <br />Town's Planning Consulting firm, Nm. Spangle & Assoc., was helping to <br />draft this ordinance. The draft would be discussed at a joint session <br />of the County Historical Heritage Commission and the County Planning <br />Dept. on January 17th. Mrs. Fava asked that the Council endorse this <br />historical district by letter or resolution to the County Planning Dept. <br />The <br />letterntonsus of the Countyncil opinion Planning Dept favored <br />supportingdirecting <br />suchStaff <br />ordinance. a <br />2. councilman n Grabowski: <br />Referred to the survey cards recently compiled by the Los Altos Hills <br />Association and the numerous complaints he had received recently about <br />dogs roaming the hills of the Town in packs recently. He requested <br />that Staff be direct <br />alleviate thispproblemrepare recommendations that Adiscussion ensued regarding <br />could <br />regarding <br />the problems of controlling these animals. <br />-3- <br />