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t►r <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 2, 1974 <br />Staff agreed to check with the County regarding the costs of additional <br />surveillance and patrols, and a possible education program for the <br />horsemen and homeowners of the Town regarding the Ordinances pertaining <br />to unleashed animals. Staff will prepare a report to be presented to <br />Council for the first meeting in February and recommendations on <br />possible solutions. <br />F. HEARINGS: <br />1. Public Hearing on Proposed Revision of General Plan: <br />At the request of Council, Mr. George Mader of William Spangle and <br />Associates, Planning Consultants, presented the proposed revision to the <br />General Plan. He stated that the Environmental Planning Commission had <br />made only minor changes to the Plan during their deliberations. The <br />portion of the Plan being discussed was the Land Use, Circulation, Open <br />Space, Recreation, Housing and Conservation elements. Four other <br />elements will be added according to contractual agreement. <br />Mr. Mader and Mr. Tom Vlasic then showed slides of the various areas <br />indicating those lands designated for residences, open space, public <br />and private school sites, historical sites and circulation routes. <br />The mountain ridges and slope density recommendations regarding develop- <br />4W <br />of these ridge areas were discussed. <br />�+ After Mr. Mader's presentation, Mayor Helgesson opened the discussion <br />to the public, asking if there were any comments or questions concerning <br />the General Plan. <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />fAr.StI Peterson 24737 Prospect: Addressed question to Mr. Mader <br />as to w at opera ono method the lown used to enforce open space <br />requirements. Mr. Mader stated that zoning and slope density require- <br />ments on the steeper areas of the Town would preclude most of the <br />area included and designated as open space from ever being densely <br />developed; but dense development would be discouraged because of the <br />terrain and instability of the land in certain areas. <br />Mr. 11IMer, Fremont Road: Asked question pertaining to the Burger property <br />s tuate across mom t e Town Hall. Mr. Mader responded that no chage <br />had been made in the General Plan regarding this property, that the <br />planned use was as shown in the previous general plan. <br />When no other comments pertaining to the General Plan were forthcoming <br />from the public, Mayor Helgesson requested questions and/or comments <br />from members of the Council. <br />Councilman Grabowski commented on the circulation element of the Plan <br />and said he felt strongly that the Plan should concentrate on the <br />40. internal circulation of the Town. He said that ingress to' main.roads <br />by citizens should be given equal consideration with through traffic, <br />