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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 6, 1374 <br />5. Mr. Wilton Hinckley, Secretary for Environmental Desi an Committee: <br />Informed Council that a priority list of improvements had been made <br />by the Committee and said a written list would be forthcoming. He <br />reported verbally on these items. tie also requested that Council <br />consider a seven -member Committee because of the workload and the need <br />to have a quorum at each meeting in order to carry on the functions of <br />the Env. resign Committee. Council directed Staff to so change the <br />Resolution on Standing Committees to allow for seven members, and to <br />present this amended Resolution to Council at next meeting. <br />D. C0."ITINUING BUSINESS: <br />1. Resolution #753 <br />lir. R. Boone of the Consulting Engineering firm of McCandless, Boone <br />& Cooke, informed Council that the low bid for this project had been <br />received from the California Paving Company of South San Francisco. <br />A meeting had been held with the owners of the Company, Mayor Helgesson, <br />fir. Lawson, Mr. Russell and Mr. Boone. Based on the bid and the <br />meeting, during which the Company's qualifications were discussed, Mr. <br />Boone recommended that the bid be awarded to California Paving. <br />Discussion ensued relative to the drainage problem along Elena, the <br />qualifications of the Company and the bonding company. <br />Speaking from the Floor with questions concerningthis ro ect: <br />Mrs. T. Schick, Weston Road; Mrs. A. Wood, Summitwood Road; Mrs. M. <br />Saviano, Corte Madera Ct. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Councilman McReynolds to adopt Resolution #753 awarding contract for <br />Gas Tax Project #25 to the California Paving Company. The motion passed <br />with the following roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Grabowski, McReynolds, Councilwoman Miller, Mayer <br />Helgesson. <br />NO: Councilman Cheney <br />2. Discussion Re appointments to Standing Committees: <br />Consensus of Council was to consider nominations to each Committee <br />separately: <br />Environmental Desinn Coamittee: firs. Ca.rl Gould, Ortega Drive, was <br />nominaYTb;% Ccunci rSan-Yra—owski at last Council Meeting. No other <br />names were forthcoming. <br />Public Works Committee: Councilwoman Miller noted that each Council <br />representat ve was co ncidentally from a District represented in the <br />map formerly used by the Open Space Committee. She suggested that each <br />-3- <br />