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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 6> 1974 <br />Council member nominate a member for this Committee based on those <br />Districts. Council concurred, and the nominations were as follows: <br />District #1 - Councilwoman Miller nominated Mr. J. Dannenberg, <br />12374 Melody Lane. <br />District #2 - Mayor Helgesson nominated Mr,Keith Brown, 27900 <br />Black Mountain Road. <br />District #3 - Councilman Grabowski nominated Mr. william Downey <br />14330 DeBeil Drive. <br />District #4 - Councilman McReynolds deferred nomination on this <br />District until next Council meeting. <br />District #5 - Councilman Cheney nominated Mr. Matt Altenhofen, <br />10701 Magdalena Avenue. <br />Councilman Grabowski moved that the nominations be closed on Districts <br />the newly -formed Horksthose <br />committee. The motionewaseappointed to <br />seconded by <br />Councilman McReynolds and unanimously approved by Council. <br />MOTION, SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman McReynolds moved that nominations <br />be closed and Mrs. Carl Gould be appointed to the Environmental Design <br />Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Miller and unanimously <br />carried by Council. <br />Traffic and <br />ones, orPublic Safet Committee: Mayor Helgesson had nominated <br />Mrs. Dav tez ane, at t e last Council meeting. Council - <br />Woman Puller nominated Mrs. Cheryl Hallock, Dawn Lane. <br />MOTION SFC^:;DED AND CARRIED: Councilman Grabowski moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Cheney, that nominations be closed and Mrs. Jones and Mrs. <br />Safetbeto motiohe sunanimouslyicarron iedi.P Traffic and <br />Noi-e Abatement Committee: CouncilwcmFn Miller suggested that nomination._ <br />to this .ommrttce be agendad for the next Regular Council meeting so <br />applications could be reviewed which were received that day, and other <br />names might be considered. Council concurred. <br />��:�-..:".;•,f;,aa ;tiller req'urs!:en that the Resolution on Standing Committees <br />be changed foir next Council meeting to reflect an additional two <br />members for the Environmental Design Committee, and that notices be <br />advanced to Press stating the still -existing vacancies on the Noise <br />Abatement Connittee and tt,e 5'nvironmental Design Committee. <br />Commissioner Young informed Co iris that the Planning Commission had <br />'� instructed Ceorge Mader of William Spangle Associates, Planning <br />reportttotthetPlanningeCommissicn� aidnwhich report directlywhich <br />t^honed <br />-4- <br />