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40 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 3, 1974 <br />4W <br />Mayor Grabowski mentioned that nominations to LAFCO would be coming up <br />at the next meeting of the Mayor's Committee of the Inter -City Council. <br />Councilwoman Miller nominated Councilman Helgesson and Mayor Grabowski <br />seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by Council. Staff <br />was directed to prepare a letter of nomination to the Mayor's Committee <br />of the Inter -City Council. <br />J. EXECUTIVE (PERSONNEL & LITIGATION) SESSION: <br />Council adjourned to Executive Session at 11:35 P.M. <br />K. ADJOURNMENT: <br />The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 A.M. <br />-10- <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Norma J. Hislop <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />