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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 3, 1974 <br />2. Discussion of, and appointments to Ad Hoc Committee to Review <br />u get: <br />Mayor Grabowski stated that he had submitted a Memo to Council suggesting <br />such a Committee for Budget Review which would allow for active participation <br />by the citizens, and asked members of Council if they had come prepared <br />to make nominations for such a Committee. <br />Councilman McReynolds indicated that he had come prepared to discuss such <br />a Committee but not to make nominations. <br />Discussion ensued between Council members and Staff relative to the time <br />frame of such a Committee, when the budget document would be ready for <br />such a review, and the time the Committee would have to prepare its <br />recommendations. <br />Mayor Grabowski stated that the first order of business was to determine <br />whether Council was in favor of such a Committee; and Moved that .an Ad <br />Hoc Budget Review Committee be formed. Councilwoman Miller seconded the <br />motion, and it was unanimously approved by Council. <br />The Committee now formed, Mayor Grabowski called for nominations from <br />each Council member according to the procedure established for the Public <br />Works and Open Space Committees: <br />Councilman Cheney nominated Mrs. Alma Wood, Summitwood Road for District #5. <br />Councilwoman Miller nominated Mr. Bernon Gottlieb, Summerhill Road for <br />District #1. <br />Councilman Helgesson nominated Mr. William Hahn, Ascension Drive, for <br />District #2. <br />Mayor Grabowski nominated Mrs. Harold Schick, Weston Drive, for District #3. <br />Because of the relatively short time span involved, Council agreed to <br />approve the nomination to be submitted by Councilman McReynolds, and when <br />he had made his selection, he could inform Staff. <br />Nominations were closed and Council voted unanimously to approve the names <br />placed in nomination to the Ad Hoc Budget Review Committee. There followed. <br />discussion on the best time for the Committee to review the budget docu- <br />mentand the date of May 15th was set as the initial date when the <br />preliminary budget would be completed by Staff. <br />In response to a question by Councilwoman Miller, Mayor Grabowski said that <br />Council members could sit in attendance at the Committee meetings, pro- <br />viding there was no violation of the Brown Act and that Council members <br />would not participate in the discussions. <br />-3- <br />