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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 3, 1974 <br />Speaking from the Floor: <br />Mr. Donald Soencer, Sherlock Road: Stated strongly that he felt that <br />Council should recons der this requirement in favor of the Valenti's. <br />The question was called and the above motion failed by the following <br />roll call vote: <br />AYE: Councilmen Helgesson and McReynolds. <br />N0: Councilwoman Miller, Councilman Cheney, Mayor Grabowski <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman McReynolds moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Cheney and unanimously carried to waive the installation of one <br />catch basin as a condition of building site approval on Lot 24, Olive Tree <br />Court. <br />B. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: <br />At this time, Mayor Grabowski presented former Mayor Helgesson with a <br />mounted gavel placque indicating his term of office as Mayor, and ex- <br />pressing the Town's appreciation and gratitude. <br />Councilman Helgesson accepted the presentation and thanked Council and <br />to the citizens of the Town for this remembrance. <br />F. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: <br />1. Mayor Grabowski: <br />a) Stated that if the new Council members were planning to attend <br />the New Mayor's and Councilman's Institute of the League of Calif. <br />Cities Conference in Monterey. there would be no quorum for the first <br />meeting in May. Councilmen Cheney and McReynolds indicated that they <br />did not plan to attend, so there was no necessity to reschedule the <br />Council's meeting. <br />2. Councilwoman Miller: <br />a) Brought to Council's attention a letter received by firs. Fava, <br />Town Historian, from Dr. Dunn, Foothill College, indicating that <br />the College was not willing to expend the sum necessary for the upkeep <br />of the Willard M. Griffin home located on the campus, and designated <br />by the Town as a historical site. She felt the Town should go on <br />record opposing any plans the College might have of razing this site. <br />Council agreed, and Staff was directed to prepare a Resolution opposing <br />any move by the District to demolish this historical site. <br />-5- <br />