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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 3, 1974 <br />3. Councilman Cheney: <br />a) Presented views to Staff and Council relative to the reports <br />received by Town from the Security Patrol. He felt the report was <br />inadequate and should be more detailed, presenting suggestions to <br />Council on what information such reports should contain. <br />Council concurred that the reports should be more detailed, but should <br />not contain classified information, since the file was public. They <br />also agreed there was no necessity for receiving these reports in <br />their packets, but they should be made available at the Town Hall upon <br />request. <br />Speaking from the Floor for a more detailed report: <br />Firs. Irma Goldsmith, Chairwoman, Traffic and Public Safety Committee. <br />Mrs. T. Schick, Weston Road. <br />G. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: <br />1. Ordinance N amending <br />far MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Council- <br />woman Miller and unanimously carried to waive further reading of the Ordinance <br />and introduce it by the Title. <br />Upon introduction, Councilman Cheney objected to the contents, and the <br />wording of the Ordinance. Councilman McReynolds agreed and suggested <br />that this Ordinance be referred to the Traffic and Public Safety Committee <br />for study and recommendation prior to any action by Council. The <br />suggestion was put into the form of a motion, seconded by Councilman <br />Cheney, and unanimously approved by Council. <br />Speaking from the floor against such an Ordinance: <br />Mrs. M. Saviano, Corte Madera Ct. <br />2. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Council- <br />man McReynolds and unanimously carried to waive further reading of the <br />document and introduce the Ordinance by its Title. <br />City Manager Bruce Lawson explained that Council's adopting of this <br />Ordinance would give the Town authority to cite for violations of that <br />section of the Municipal Code pertaining to bicycles. <br />10 <br />