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L CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 3, 1974 <br />ar <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman McReynolds moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Cheney and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution #759 urging <br />the preservation of the Hillard M. Griffin Home. <br />b) Advised Council that the disclosure forms due on April 30th would <br />not have to be filed pending the decision of the Supreme Court of the <br />State on this matter. <br />c) Relative to a constitutional amendment repealing Article 34 of the <br />State Constitution regarding low rent housing, Mayor Grabowski requested <br />that Mr. Gillio prepare a resolution opposing the amendment for next <br />meeting. <br />d) Reported to Council on his findings on the burning of storm damaged <br />growth. All burning must be reported to the Air Polution Control Board <br />by the Los Altos Fire Chief, and permission to burn must be received from <br />him. <br />I. COMMITTEE REPORTS: <br />1. Traffic and Public Safety Committee: <br />Mrs. Irma Goldsmith, Chairwoman, reported to Council on the Committee's <br />AW study of a letter referred to them by Council from a group of residents <br />on Altamont Road regarding traffic conditions. <br />nu <br />The Committee recommended to Council that stop signs be installed at <br />Altamont Road and the Natoma Road intersection, and along Altamont at <br />Black Mountain Road. They also recommended that the traffic island <br />orginally planned for Altamont Road at the Natoma intersection be installed. <br />Mayor Grabowski thanked Mrs. Goldsmith and the Committee for their <br />analysis of the problem and discussion ensued between Staff and Council. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Councilman Helgesson moved, seconded by Council- <br />man Cheney and unanimously carried that the recommendations made by the Committee <br />be approved, and a Resolution be adopted for the stop signs as recommended. <br />OTHER BUSINESS: <br />1. Mrs. Mildred Gallo, speaking for the Los Altos Hills Association, requested <br />Council's assistance in resolving a conflict of meeting dates between the <br />Environmental Design Committee and the Hills Association on the third Monday <br />of each month. <br />Council consensus was that this problem could be resolved in the interim of <br />other facilities being available when Town Hall was remodeled. Staff was <br />directed to bring the matter before the Env. Design Committee. <br />-9- <br />