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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 17, 1974 <br />F. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS BY COUNCILMEN: <br />1. Planning Commission Appointment: <br />Councilwoman Miller stated it was her opinion that this discussion <br />should be held in Executive Session. Mayor Grabowski agreed that any <br />discussCouncilion feltnithnecessary',tbuthould be held in said he thought the utive voting Session <br />votingshould be <br />held in public by ballot. <br />Councilman Helgesson said the list of applicants for the vacancy were <br />those which had been received in the Town over the last year, and he felt <br />all these names should be given consideration. He said he did not feel <br />it would be embarrassing the applicants to have their names read to the <br />public. <br />Mayor Grabowski directed the Clerk to read the names of those seeking <br />appointment, as follows: <br />Mr. Ottmar F. Kotick, Mr. Mason S. Frutschy, Mr. Marshall A. Smith, III, <br />Mr. H. T. Waller, Jr .> Mrs. Millie Saviano, Mrs. Joyce F. Clarke, <br />hers. John W. Fondahl, Mrs. Theodora Schick. <br />Council then adjourned to Executive Session to discuss the applications <br />and qualifications of those applicants. <br />After Executive Session, Councilwoman Miller said she would like the voting <br />on this l next meetin <br />he <br />opportunity tto talk er to eto9people endad utoidetermine theirsince she would like t <br />philosophy and ideas on <br />planning and zoning before she voted. She moved to agenda this item to <br />next meeting; however the motion died for lack of a second. <br />Ballots were then given to all Council members indicatfng the names of <br />each applicant. The Clerk was informed that the person receiving the <br />majority of votes would be chosen b% the Council. After votes had been <br />tallied by the Clerk, it was announced that Mrs. Theodora Schick had <br />received the majority of vmuis,an was therefore aexpintere duto the landing <br />vacancy on the Planning Cr <br />Standing Committee `ppointments: <br />Traffic and Pu4_'_c�Safeety_C_ommi�ttee: Councilman Helgesson stated that <br />ItFere were t' vacant ec son this Committee, and since Mrs. Goldsmith <br />seemed to pleased with thoseapplicants who had indicated an <br />interest serving, he moved that Council appoint Mr. Ralph Bettman, <br />La Cres' Court, and Mr. Robert Boesel, Anacapa Drive to a two-year <br />term 'ing June 30, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman <br />Cho , and unanimously approved by Council. <br />04W.chvs Committee: Councilman Cheney placed the name of Mr. Ralph <br />.ran s, remon oad in nomination. <br />!rt <br />