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City Council Minutes
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4/19/2016 1:45:07 PM
Creation date
7/27/2015 1:58:59 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 29, 1974 <br />then gave a summary of the proposed ordinance, stating that any use <br />proposed could not be undertaken until a land use permit was obtained from <br />the Town, and it prohibits the issuance of a building permit until such <br />a land use permit is granted. <br />Councilman Helgesson commented that this Ordinance had come before Council <br />without going through the Planning Commission, and he asked Commissioner <br />Perkins if he had any comments he wished to make concerning the Ordinance. <br />Commissioner Perkins commented on the Commission's reaction, which he <br />said, covered a broad spectrum: some thought the Commission should have <br />seen the Ordinance before Council, others thought a moratorium would give <br />the Commission a chance to catch up with the work before them. They all <br />felt, however, that they would like more information on the Ordinance. <br />Commissioner Perkins also commented that if adopted, the Town should <br />proceed in its purpose with well defined aggressive action. <br />Planning Consultant Tom Vlasic was asked his thoughts on the Ordinance, and <br />he responded by stating that his firm, 14m. Spangle and Associates, had <br />questioned the clarity of the wording, but had talked with the City Attorney <br />and he had responded to their questions. He also commented that the <br />Planning Commission was totally in favor of the concept of bringing the <br />Ordinances pertaining to the subdivision of land in line with the goals of <br />the Town's General Plan. <br />Councilman Cheney directed question to the City Attorney regarding the <br />Ordinance involving land already subdivided,: who replied that the Town <br />could not provide for a moratorium on subdivisions, but rather, on un- <br />improved real property. <br />Mr. Gillio attempted to clarify the provisions of the State Code in this <br />regard for Council who asked specific questions pertaining to the land use <br />permit, the effect on single family residences, and other possible <br />alternatives to a moratorium on all building. He informed Council that <br />exceptions could be written into the Ordinances through classifications, <br />but wondered if the purpose of the Ordinance would then be achieved. <br />Councilwoman Miller stated that she wanted to go on record that the Town <br />was not attempting to penalize subdivisions such as Land Resources and <br />Bahl Homes, nor purge or cause hardships to individual homeowners. She <br />felt the moratorium had been blown out of proportion to its original intent. <br />In response to questions by Councilman Helgesson, Mr. Gillio stated that <br />classifications could be added to the Ordinance, so long as everyone in <br />that classification were treated equally. He said that lands already <br />subdivided, but where building had not yet begun could be a separate <br />classification. <br />`, After further discussion, the matter was opened for discussion tq' the public. <br />-5- <br />
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